Chapter 5; The Zoo!

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Tony pulled up to his house in Malibu

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Tony pulled up to his house in Malibu.  He sat in his car for a long time, before he finally sighed and went inside. He had a mission to accomplish, and that mission was finding an important shoe box.

J.A.R.V.I.S greeted him. Tony muttered a reply and headed downstairs into his workspace.

"May I suggest a drink sir?" J.A.R.V.I.S asked.

"Vodka," Tony responded as he searched his garage.

He searched every square inch of the place, making messes as he went. Spilling paperwork, tools, and different boxes of junk.

"What are you searching for, sir?" J.A.R.V.I.S's British robotic voice sounded.

"The box. The stupid box, where is it?" He answered as he got down on his hands and knees and looked underneath his cars.

"What box?"

Tony stood back up and looked in the cars. "The black box, J.A.R.V.I.S."

"I do not know what black box you speak of, sir." J.A.R.V.S. gave up.

"Well aren't you just -" Tony began but stopped when he opened the trunk of his car and there sat a little, black, shoe box, "useless..."

He carefully took out the box and sat down, leaning against the back of his sports car. He gently took off the lid to the small shoe box. Inside sat pictures and a few objects such as a necklace and an halfway filled bottle of perfume.

He took out the pile of pictures and shuffled through them. It was pictures of Tony Stark and a beautiful woman with long dark hair and hazel eyes.

He had always thought Melissa was beautiful and glowing. He had loved her personality and caring ways. He was too stupid to give up his life of fame to be with her. He just wished he could go back in time and fix this.

Tears pricked his eyes as he picked up a picture of the two. The picture was taken from an upward angle, looking down at them. Melissa was to the right and Tony to the left. They both had happy smiles plastered on there faces as they looked into the camera. Melissa's long, black hair spilled over her shoulders in curly waves. She didn't have much makeup on, she didn't need it. Just deep, red lipstick and eyeliner. She was absolutely beautiful that day.

Stark's hand came up to his mouth as he cried into it. Tears spilled over his cheeks and fell onto the picture on his lap.

He just wished he had known how much he loved her then. He would give anything to have her back.

He heard a whirring mechanical sound. He looked up to see his claw robot had brought him a bottle of vodka.

"Thanks, buddy,"Stark took the bottle from it and shuffled through more of the black shoe box.



Maggie waited in line for the zoo impatiently. She taped her foot on the ground as she waited for the people in front of her to get there tickets sorted out.

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