Chapter 12; The Party (Part 2)

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A/N; I'm so sorry it took me so long to update. I had writers block bad. But I've had inspiration strike. This chapter kinda sucks but the next one is cute.

(That is my favorite gif forever!)

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(That is my favorite gif forever!)


As the night dragged on, Maggie found herself getting tired. Though, she didn't want to show it in front of her superhero friends. So Maggie excused herself and wondered around the floor, trying to find Tony.

She walked over to the bar and hopped up on a stool. She looked around the room for her father.

"Hi, Maggie right?" A voice asked to her right. Maggie turned to see an African-American man smiling at her.

"Yes, that's me." She smiled back at him. Unlike most kids her age, Maggie liked to talk with people, especially adults. She wasn't nervous when it came to talking with people. She was a social butterfly, and she probably got it from her father. Her mother was social too, but not as much as Tony.

"I'm Rhodey, a friend of your....father's." He offered her his hand to shake.

"Oh, hello, Rhodey." She shook his hand.

"What are you doing up this late?" He asked her.

"It's not that late." She noted.

He checked his silver wristwatch, "Well, it's 11:46 at night."

Maggie shrugged, "Oh I guess it is late. Well, I'm looking for my daddy anyways. I'm tired and I want to go to bed, but I don't see him anywhere."

Rhodey turned in his chair and scanned the large room for his friend. "He said he was going to be right back, but that was almost twenty minutes ago."

"Okay, I'm going to go look for him. Bye, Rhodey." Maggie hopped off her stool.

"See ya later, Maggie." Rhodey nodded at her.

Maggie made her way through the busy crowd of drunk dancers and walked towards the bathroom area. She walked into the hallway further and further until the music got quiet.

She approached a bedroom near the end of the hall and paused when she heard voices. It was a woman's voice and what sounded like......Tony?

The door to the bedroom was closed but she put her ear up to it and listened to what they were saying. However, they weren't saying much of anything.

"Oh Tony," The woman's voice muttered, "Your so handsome."

Maggie raised her eyebrow at the woman. What kind of a conversation is that? Curiosity took over her and she twisted the doorknob. The door opened to reveal Tony making out with half naked woman. Maggie gasped at the heated scene of a woman with short, chin-length black hair, brown eyes, and sharp, gorgeous features.

"Tony?!" Maggie stood in the doorway in shock.

Stark immediately jerked away from the woman whose name was Sue....or Sarah, he was too drunk to remember. He saw his little girl staring at him with wide eyes. With one had still on the doorknob, she stood their awkwardly.

"Ugh, no not you. Anybody but you." He muttered as he walked over to her. He pushed her out the door and slammed it shut in her face.

Maggie stood there in shock of what just happened. Tears burned at her eyes as she stared at door.

"Maggie? Is everything alright?" Thor asked as he approached the young maiden.

"No," Maggie squeaked and shook her head. She chocked a sob.

Thor bent down in front of her and took her small hands in his very large ones. The fact that she wasn't jawing his ear off made the god of thunder nervous.

Thor suddenly had an idea and he squeezed her hands. "Do you want to see something magical, Lady Maggie?"

He could see the curiosity in her eyes and she nodded. He stood and guided her to the elevator. Thor pressed the button to the roof. The elevator lifted to the roof and they both stepped out.

Maggie grabbed Thor's hand in her own and he smiled down at her. They walked over to the middle of the roof and Thor sat down on a bench and patted the seat for her to join him. She smiled at him and sat down.

"What's the magical part?" She asked.

"Look up at the stars, Lady Maggie." Thor said gently. Maggie dipped her head back and looked up at the black sky. Millions and millions of little lights twinkled down at her. She smiled and gazed up at the stars.

"They are so pretty." Maggie whispered.

Thor grinned at her and looked up at the sky too.

"Can you see any constables?" Maggie asked causing Thor to laugh lightly.

"Do you mean constellations?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah, that's what I meant!" She said in a harsh tone, embarrassed for saying the wrong word.

"Well, over there is Orin's Belt. See? The stars shape a man with a big belt on?" Thor pointed to the left.

"Oh, I see it!" She squealed.

"And over there is the Bear." He showed her.

"I don't see it?" Maggie raised one eyebrow.

Thor moved closer to her and pointed at the stars, "The biggest star is the bear's nose, and those ones are his body."

"Ha, I see it!" She informed him with a small giggle.

They stared at the different stars and constellations for a few minutes before Maggie spoke up.

"Who names the constellations?"

"Different scientists and founders." Thor shrugged.


"Yes, Lady Maggie?" Thor looked down at her.

"Thank you for taking me up here. It really is magical." She said and leaned her head against his arm.

"Your welcome, young one."

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