Chapter 20; Maggie Stark

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"So, how does it feel to be apart of Earth's mightiest heroes?" Tony sat on the folding chair next to his daughter's. They were on the roof of the Avengers Tower having a cookout.

Maggie gave him the sweetest smile. "It feels pretty great."

"Yeah, well, you shoulda got out while you had the chance." Tony replied with a smirk. "So, are you going to go by your mother's name or mine?"

"I'm Stark. Maggie Stark" she gave the same smirk her father did.

"Hotdogs and burgers are ready!" Steve yelled from where he stood behind the grill.

"Oh, good I'm starving." Bruce mumbled as the Avengers made their way to the grill.

"You're always starving." Clint teased making Natasha roll her eyes at them.

"Hey, nice apron, Cap." Tony pointed at the super-soldier's pink polka dot apron tied around his waist.

"Yeah, that's a good look on you, Rogers." Natasha piped up, smirking at him with a raised eyebrow.

With a small smile, Steve shook his head in embarrassment and handed Maggie her paper plate.

"I think it looks nice, Steve." Maggie commented truthfully.

"Well, only your opinion matters." He smiled at her.

They sat on the folding chairs around the fire pit, eating their meal, talking, laughing and teasing. Seven people, despite their differences, despite some have powers and special abilities, and others have skill and weapons. Despite some are sarcastic and carefree, and others are more serious and by-the-book. Despite everything that has happened to them in the past and everything that will happen to them in the future, despite all of that; these seven friends can sit down and break bread together. They can laugh and talk and escape their own demons that haunt them at night. Because they are all family. Even when they'll have nothing, they'll have each other.

"This hotdog is amazing." Thor said as he stuffed half the hotdog in his mouth.

"Yep, the Midguardian food isn't that bad." Clint said.

Thor muttered something in response but due to the food in his mouth, it was un-audible.

After dinner, they continued to stay on the roof. Maggie insisted they gaze at the glowing stars above. Fortunately for her, nobody could say no to her. Steve and Bruce laid out a blanket for them to lay on. Starting from the far left, lays Bruce, then Thor, and Tony, Maggie was in the middle of the group with Natasha beside her, then Steve and finally Clint on the end.

They gazed out on the skies above them. It was a cool night without any clouds in the dark sky. It was a perfect night for star-gazing. When Maggie glanced at her father, a smile broke out over her petite face. She was heart broken because of what happened to her mother, and she would be for the rest of her life. Her mother won't be there for her when she goes to prom. Her mother wouldn't be there for her when she walks down the aisle towards her fiancé soon-to-be-husband. Her mother wouldn't be there when she has her first child. That would all be hard for Maggie. But, in away, she was kinda blessed too. She didn't have just one protector, she had seven. Seven super powered friends that would lay down their life for her safety.

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