Chapter Eight

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*Hadrian Potter*

"I apologize for the wait," Ragnook said as he came back into the office and turned to see him freeze slightly in the doorway as he caught sight of my parents. "Necromancy spells are forbidden here."

"It's not spell," I said holding the stone up so Ragnook could see. "Death gave me the philosopher stone so I could speak to my parents in case we needed them. I figured that if someone locked my parent's wills then they might have changed something."

"We are only here to make sure nothing was changed," Mama said and Ragnook nodded before he moved behind his desk and set a stack of parchments in front of me.

"I see," Ragnook nodded but didn't seem too surprised as he handed me a quill. "Mr.Potter before we proceed with reading your parent's wills I need you to read and sign these forms stating that you are accepting your inheritance early and are willing here to take the title of Lord Potter."

"I can accept that early?" I asked surprised.

"The Potter inheritance you can as you are the last living Potter the rest of your inheritances will have to wait until you turn twenty-one to accept," Ragnook said and I nodded grabbing the document and quickly reading it before signing my name and handing it back.

"Looks good to me," I said. "I just have one question. Now that I have accepted that I can ask for favors as long as I pay them back correct?"

"Yes," Ragnook said.

"I want a fair trial for my godfather," I said. "The night my parents died he was arrested and thrown in Azkaban without one."

"I will see what I can do Mr.Potter," Ragnook said and I nodded. "Now, for business. Do you want everyone here present for this reading?"

"Yes," Mama said before I could say anything. Ragnook nodded as he placed a parchment in the middle of his desk and said something in a language I didn't understand and the parchment glowed for a moment before floating up off the desk and transformed into what looked like a howler.

"I, James Fleamont Potter, and I, Lillian Cassandra Evans-Potter, are of sound mind, body, and soul, as we leave our last will and testament. Firstly, we would like to state that Sirius Black was not our secret keeper it was Peter Pettigrew. Secondly, if under any circumstances Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, or Andromeda Tonks can't take care of our son, Hadrian he is to be placed in a wizarding house and he is to under no circumstances go into the care of my sister, Petunia Dursley. She hates anything magic and will abuse him. Now for our possessions, we have set aside a vault for Remus Lupin and a small cabin for the full moons when he is alone. Sirus Black, we have signed over partial magical guardianship of Hadrian, Padfoot we trust you with Bambi; DO NOT CORRUPT HIM! We are also leaving another vault to Severus Snape, filled with potion books and ingredients, and enough galleons for you to finally open your own shop. Severus also has the other half of magical guardianship over Hadrian. Now for our Bambi, Hadrian once you turn twenty-one you will have full control over all of our vaults and properties. But until then Remus Lupin has full control over all of it."

"Well nothing in our will has been changed," Dad said. "But that doesn't mean the vaults weren't messed with if no one knew who we left them to."

"The only transaction that should have touched the vaults is Harry's school vault," Mama said. "Seeing as Remus and Severus looked shocked at what was just read. And I can bet that they have all been messed with."

"I can look into that but it will take a few days to get everything in order," Ragnook said.

"Yes please," I said leaning forward. "By the time we go back to school, I want to be able to have control over all that I can and that means cutting off anyone that has been touched those vaults."

"Of course Mr.Potter," Ragnook said and I could tell he was pleased about something. "Is there anything else you needed?"

"Tom and I still need to see the Asteria Soul Vault," I said. "Would it be possible to see it today or should we wait until we come back after all this paperwork is settled?"

"No," Ragnook said. "I will show you the vault today give me a moment to have Griphook take over and go through everyone else's paperwork so we can get it all sorted."

A few minutes later, Tom and I were standing in front of a set of vault doors that looked like something had tried to break in and had left deep claw marks behind. I watched Ragnook walk up to the doors with the key I had handed him and as he inserted the key a bright purple light blinded me before it disappeared and I could vaguely see the vault was dimly lit from the inside.

"The two of you are the only ones able to enter the vault," Ragnook said. "Lady Asteria placed a protection ward over the vault so only her true heirs would be the only ones to touch it. I will leave the two of you to explore the vault I will be back in an hour."

"Thank you Ragnook," I said watching as he climbed back in the cart and zoomed off before I turned back to Tom who was studying the vault doors. "Anything interesting?"

"The doors," Tom said and I moved closer to him. "They have ancient runes carved into them; both muggle and magical. But I have no idea what it could mean."

"Maybe the answers are inside the vault?" I said. "I don't know about you but I have a feeling that whatever is inside there is gonna change a lot more than what has already been changed."

"I believe you are right," Tom said and we entered the vault.

"Holy Circe," I gasped as I got a good look at what was all in the vault.

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