Chapter Thirteen

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(A/N: Short chapter because I have had to work every day this week and six of those days were doubles so I haven't had the chance to work on this chapter. But here it is because I promised myself that I would post a chapter every week and I have only broken that once for a personal reason back in January. But next week's chapter will be longer and a little emotional rollercoaster ;D. But as always I appreciate the votes and luv reading all of the comments.)

*Sirius Black*

After Harry lit all the lights I felt my chest tighten at the sight of the first home I had ever felt safe in and I could feel Remus beside me relax a little and I knew he felt the same thing.

"Creeping in doorways is rude," Hemione said and I felt myself being pushed forward and I shuddered as the familiar Potter family magic wrapped itself around me. "Moony, Padfoot since you two know this manor better than we do why don't you give us a tour so we can find our bedrooms."

"Second and third floors have the bedrooms," Moony said, and as everyone started following him down the hallway I stayed back and noticed that Harry hadn't moved from his spot.

"Cub, are you alright?" I asked when I was sure everyone was out of earshot.

"I'm fine," he said, looking up at me with a fake smile.

"You don't have to lie to me cub," I said. "A lot has happened today so it's okay to feel overwhelmed, pup."

"I'm fine, Padfoot," Harry snapped, and I dropped the conversation until I talked to Moony.

"Okay," I said holding my hands up. "You want to see your room?"

"My room?" Harry asked tilting his head and I chuckled at how much he looked like Lily when she did that.

"Well, technically it was your nursery but your grandmother, Euphemia cast a charm on it so the room would grow with you," I said leading him up the stairs and heading for the top floor. "The last time you were here you were still sleeping in a crib so if the charm stayed active all of the decorations should be the same but the furniture should be adult-sized."

"I lived here?" Harry asked and I froze for a moment before nodding.

"James was buying a small cabin-style home in Scotland because Lily mentioned that she wanted to grow up knowing both the muggle and wizarding world," I said. "So all of us were living here until the prophecy Dumbledore told us was happening and we all went into hiding and everyone died."

"Another thing he destroyed," Harry snapped and I felt the floor tremble.

"Yes," I said wincing. "That is why Moony and I picked this place. It holds your history and no one and nothing can take this away from you ever again."

"Really?" he asked.

"I will explain later but first your safe space," I said pushing open a set of double doors and revealing the nursery that I had helped James and Lily create. I stepped to the side and watched Harry hesitantly enter the room staring at everything.

"Sirius..." Hermione said from behind me and I spun on my heel shushing her and noticed that Remus and the Weasley boys were standing with her.

"His nursery," Moony said and I nodded turning back to my cub to see him staring at the ceiling with a glance I saw that the charm that Fleamont had cast to show the moving star constellations was shining extremely brightly. "Let's all leave Harry to explore his room in peace and go to the kitchen to see what all we need to get for groceries."

All of the kids followed after Moony and I stared at my cub for a few more minutes before I quietly closed the doors and headed down the stairs to the kitchen.

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