An Escape

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Love and care for those who are around you during your short stay in the land of living as someone who has a tomorrow to live


Maybe it was just luck that was calling on me, or I was just imagining things, but still, I tried to open my eyes, hoping my eyes would not betray me.

Finally, I opened my eyes, and I was not surprised to see Yazid standing between me and the two men. He still cares despite me being stubborn, and I was glad he didn't leave me alone.

He was tall and broad-shouldered, his face set in a determined expression. "I said, leave her alone!" he repeated, his voice full of authority.

The two men hesitated, taken aback by his resolve. "What's it to you?" one of them asked, trying to sound tough.
But Yazid only stood his ground, his gaze unwavering. "I won't let you hurt her," he said, his voice steady and firm.

The two men exchanged a glance, then looked back at him and said, "You're going to try to stop us?" One of them said, A sneer on his lips.

But before they could say anything else, Yazid lunged forward, tackling one of the men to the ground. The other man tried to run, but Yazid grabbed him by the arm, twisting it behind his back. The man cried out in pain.

And for once, I tried to let my heart move forward for Yazid, not for love but because he was trying to protect a nobody like me.

I don't know, but for the first time, I realised that not all soldiers are bad, and just because I had a bad experience with some doesn't mean all soldiers are the same.

As Yazid continued to fight the two men, my thoughts raced. I thought of the other girls and my sister who had been attacked in the same alley, just like me, and how hopeless they were.

I thought of the pain and fear they had felt and the scars they carried with them. I thought of how powerless they had been and how they had been unable to protect themselves. And now, as I watched Yazid struggle, I felt that same powerlessness again.

I felt my fear turning to anger, and I made a silent plea to him. "Don't allow them to do it again." "Never again." Please.

Just then, the police sirens grew loud, and the sound of screeching tyres filled the air. I felt a flood of relief wash over me as the police cars pulled up, red and blue lights flashing.

The two men, seeing the police, let go of Yazid and started to run, but the police were too fast.

They quickly caught up to the men and handcuffed them, then turned their attention to us. "Are you okay?" one of the officers asked Yazid.

"Make sure they never escape, officer," Yazid said, and the officer gave him his word.

I was just staring as they exchanged words, but my mind was not with me.

What would have happened if hadn't been left in the first place, just like I told him?

Does that mean I should not go there? I'm okay, but why am I feeling scared?

Just then, my vision blurred, and the world started to spin. I felt my body go limp, and everything went black.

I couldn't understand what was going on with me, but it was like Yazid noticed my distress and caught me as I fell.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. I didn't respond, and he grew more worried.

"We need to get her to a hospital," he said to the officers. They nodded and called for an ambulance.

As the sirens grew closer, Yazid held my hand and whispered words of comfort, hoping that I would be okay and, for the first time, feel safe and protected.

As my eyes fluttered open, I saw him looking down at me, a worried expression on his face. I tried to speak, but my voice was weak.

"They... can't do this... again," I managed to say. Yazid only nodded with a determined look in his eyes. "I promise," he said. "We're going to make sure that they're punished for what they did."

After I heard that, I finally closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, feeling a sense of relief that someone was finally looking out for me for the first time.

Here is a chapter again💃🏽💃🏽even though the chapter is not long but it's better to not update at all.

So what can you say about the chapter?

Do u think something good will come between Nouhran and Yazid or not?

Will he help her find Maha or not?

If you really want to get ur answers tighten ur belt let's find out.

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Ig: Eesha_speaks $ Eeshas_Deluxe

With Love Aeesha_Ahmad🖤

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