An Unforseen Revelation

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The way he said it made me look up and stare at him, and I can see the way his eyes twinkle with pride and darkness. I can't say the exact emotion he is showing, but then I can't say he is neither sad nor happy.

I turned my head to the beautiful girl that's staring at us and said, "Hello, beautiful, I'm Nouhran. Nice to meet you," I said, but she kept looking at me for a while without saying anything.

After a while, she raised her fragile hands and signed to me, "Hey, I'm Reem, and you're beautiful." Seeing her do this reminds me of someone in my life, and the pain came back.

My heart hurt, and I was just staring at her. It's been a long time since I saw someone sign for me, and it brings back so many memories.

With a proud smile, I signed back at her," It's nice to finally meet the beautiful lady behind this closed door, and thank you for the compliment."

Reem smiled at me. A real smile that melted my heart, and I saw Maha in her. I feel like I'm talking to Maha and not Reem.

Within an hour, I was talking with Reem like a long-lost friend I'd just found. Seeing her talk and smile brings peace to my heart, and I can't keep smiling.

Yazid has to drag me out of the room because he doesn't want his mother to find us inside, after making him promise that he will bring me to Reem again. I can see the disappointment in her eyes, too, but we have to go.

After we were outside the room, I faced Yazid with a smile on my face and thanked him. I don't know why, but I'm just feeling happy after meeting Reem.

"So, are you still leaving or not?" Yazid teased me with a smile.

I hide my face in embarrassment because I don't think I can leave now after meeting Reem. "You said you would fix everything, so I will wait for you to do that," I said, not meeting his eyes.

"Says the person that's so adamant on leaving," Yazid said.

"Yazid..." I called.

"Sorry, I will not tease again," he said, still laughing.

"But wait, how did you know sign language?" Yazid asked.

I've never said this to anyone, but if Yazid can trust me with his sister, why can't I do the same for him? I look at him, and he is staring back at me. We stayed like that, lost in each other's gaze, and as always, I broke it first.

"Maha can't talk, she only understand sign language, and because of that reason, that's how I learn it since it's the only way we can communicate with her." I said to him and I could see the look of pity on his face.

Is like he's regretting showing his sister to me but the truth is that I'm happy. I'm happy to see Reem and I hope that one day I will see Maha. I will keep the promise I made to Baba, and we will be together again.

"Look..." Yazid started, but I cut him off before he even started talking.

"What happened to her?" I asked him, changing the whole topic.

Yazid looked at me for a couple of minutes, trying to understand what I was trying to hide, but he couldn't see anything. Not when I don't want his pity.

"Reem was not my biological sister. She's a girl who used to work at Ummi's friend's house as a maid back then, but she was maltreated. Ummi likes her instantly because she always talks about the beautiful girl who works at her friend's house. One day Reem decided to escape, and along the way she was involved in a terrible accident, leaving her with serious injuries."

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