Hope $ Longing

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Present Day


I experienced a range of feelings as I heard of her horrific past, including grief, compassion, and a burning desire to make her misery go away.

Every admission of her pain was like a knife to my heart, leaving me stunned by the abuses she had been subjected to.

Her pain was ingrained in my nature, and her story tormented me. The images of her challenges, each one a monument to her fortitude and resiliency in the face of difficulty, became unbearable to me.

I felt helpless and resolved to change her life, but her suffering weighed heavily on me.

As I dug deeper into her past and realized that she was a fellow human needing compassion and understanding, I started to perceive her as more than just a fictional character.

I struggled to understand the injustice of her situation, and her agony turned into my pain and her tears into my own.

I saw a kindred spirit in her vulnerability—Nouhran is someone who has experienced pain and grown stronger as a result. And in that shared experience—a link forged in the furnace of misfortune—I felt a great connection to her.

Motivated by a renewed sense of purpose, I decided to help and console her, providing much-needed comfort and support.

Because I had discovered in her pain not only compassion but also a strong sense of camaraderie and a resolve to improve her life.

Whenever you think of your family, the happy family you're living with, suddenly one day they all disappear. And you question yourself; if they exist in your life just to disappear and cause you pain, why will they come into your life in the first place?.

Family is a blessing, especially when you have the best family, but the sad moment comes when you lose them all.

Losing a family member is traumatising, and I know how sad and painful it is. After we lost Reem's twin sister, it was hard for us to go back to our normal lives, and then I lost my wife, and we almost lost Reem too.

Life was hard back then, but because we had each other to rely on, we were able to support each other.

But now that I know her, I don't know if what I know is pain, or if I just know a part of it.

She has no one to run to, no one to support her, no one she will look at and smile at, and I don't know what to tell her to make her happy.

She told me her story, and I felt bad for her. How can she face all this and still live on earth? By Allah, she's one of the bravest and strongest women I've met in my life.

We used to hear stories of how girls were abducted; some were sold off to rich men, while others were nothing but sex workers, as they called them. I never thought such a world existed, even though I used to hear it every day.

But now that I learned about her story, I have come to realise that there are so many evils in this world that if you were told about them, you would never believe them if you did not see them with your eyes. 

And today I've come to realise that life is full of many beautiful, sad smiles.
Some are good at hiding their sadness with a fake smile, while others are good at exposing them to the world, but the thing is to never make anybody's life hard.

Because a single word or action from you can instil another unbearable pain in them.

Maha is a name that often conveys strength, beauty, and greatness.

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