Who's She

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3 months later

It's been three months since their marriage, and Nouhran doesn't know what's happening to her anymore.

She has been having countless nightmares about Maha running away from her and following her with a knife.

Her body is soaked with blood, and she will wake up trembling and screaming. Even though Yazid is always there to offer his help, Nouhran feels she's losing it.
She knows that something is missing. There's something she forgets to tell Yazid while narrating her story to him, but she can't tell the exact thing, and she's suffering from thinking too much because her head keeps hurting her. 
Nouhran sits alone in a dimly lit room in a run-down apartment, lost in the labyrinth of her mind. Her hands tremble as she stares at the sky that's adorned with beautiful stars before her.

She escapes from Yazid after what happened today. She can't believe she tries to hurt him physically with something, and when she gets back to her senses, she hurts herself instead, which leaves quite a deep scar on her wrist.
She's been trying to make sense of the chaos inside her—the fragmented pieces of her identity clashing like shards of glass. There's something unclear to her, but she fails to understand what that thing is, and it's ripping her apart.
Suddenly, a soft knock at the door jolts Nouhran from her reverie. Her heart pounds in her chest as fear courses through her veins. She knows who's on the other side—Yazid. He's always eager to offer a helping hand, but she's running away from him so that she won't hurt him.
As the door creaks open, Yazid's concerned voice cuts through the silence. "Nouhran, are you okay? I heard shouting."
Before he can finish his sentence, Nouhran recoils, her eyes widening in terror. Without warning, her body tenses, her muscles coiling like a spring, ready to snap. It's as if an invisible force takes hold of her, driving her to the edge of madness.
 "Stay back!" She cries; her voice is strained with desperation.

"Don't come any closer!"

But Yazid, oblivious to the storm raging within him, reaches out a comforting hand, his face etched with concern.

"Nouhran, please allow me to assist you." You don't have to go through this alone."

At that moment, something inside Nouhran snaps. A primal instinct takes over, drowning out reason and logic. With a guttural scream, she lashes out, her hand connecting with Yazid's arm with a force that sends him staggering backwards.

As Yazid recoils in shock, Nouhran stands frozen, horror etched on her face. It's as if she's watching the scene unfold from a distance, disconnected from her own body.

But deep down, she knows the truth—she's not alone in her mind.

Trembling with guilt and shame, Nouhran retreats into the shadows once more, haunted by the realisation that she's not in control of her actions.

And as the darkness closes in around her, she knows that the battle for her sanity has only just begun.

Yazid followed the movement of his wife, and he could see the way her body kept trembling. It hurt him to see her like this. He once witnessed it when he was not married to her.

At that time, he couldn't do anything about it because he couldn't get close to her, and now that he's a few inches from her, it's like the distance that's between the earth and the nine planets.

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