A Bewildering Twist

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It started as a normal dream, but then things started to get strange. I was walking through a dark forest, trying to find my way out. Suddenly, I saw a figure in the distance. As I got closer, I realised it was my sister! She was standing in the middle of the forest, but she looked different.

Her eyes were dark, and her skin was pale. She turned to me and said, "I'm not who you think I am." Then she disappeared. I tried to follow her, but she was out of my sight, and I was caught up in a cold sweat, terrified by the whole situation. What did it mean? Was my sister gone? Or was she hiding from me?

As I called out for my sister, I felt something in the air around me—a heaviness, a resistance. I pushed against it, determined to reach her. I felt the figure of the angel beside me, encouraging me to keep going.

I pushed harder, and I could feel the air around me start to shift. The darkness began to lighten, and I could see my sister, just out of reach. She was standing on a cliff, her back to me, looking out at the sea. I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks below.

I called out to my sister, "Maha, please don't jump!" I felt a sudden surge of energy, and I found myself running towards her. She turned to look at me, her eyes wide with surprise.

I reached out to her, and she reached back, our hands almost touching. But just as we were about to connect, I felt something grab my arm. I looked over my shoulder, and there was the beast, it's claws digging into my skin. I tried to pull away, but it held me fast. I could hear the angel's voice calling out to me, "Don't give in to fear, but it's too late, and before I could even do anything, the beast had pushed Maha, and she was covered in a pool of blood.

No, this can't be. I screamed, but Maha was gone.

I awoke with a start, my heart pounding in my chest. I was in a hospital bed, and the sheets twisted around my legs. I sat up, breathing heavily, my mind reeling. The room was illuminated by the light, and it took a long time before I adjusted to the brightness, I could hear the beeping of monitors in the background.

It's all a dream. Maha is okay; she's alright. I keep telling myself.

I felt a hand on my arm, and I turned to see Yazid sitting next to me. His face showed concern and worry. He smiled gently and said, "It's okay; you're safe now." I looked around the room, still disoriented. "What happened?" I asked.

Just then everything came back to me—all that happened on that day—and I was sad and a little bit relieved. I was sad that I was not able to find Maha and relieved that Yazid came to my rescue.

"How many days has it been?" I asked because, from what I'm seeing, I spent a couple of days unconscious.

"Three days," Yazid said, and I felt something strange in my chest.

Even if Maha were the girl in that place, there is no way I would find her because it's too late.

"I'm sorry," I said to Yazid, because he's in this mess because of me, and it's good if I apologise to him.

"Can we not talk about this?" he said, which meant he didn't want to discuss the issue, and I was more than glad.

Just then, the doctor came in and checked on me. After the millionth question, he asked. I made sure I answered him, and he said I could be discharged today, and I was more than happy to hear that.

Yazid was about to go and prepare the discharge papers when I called him.

"Yazid," I called him, and even though my voice was low, it was audible for him to hear me.

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