☆ William Afton ☆

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I slowly open my eyes, and turn to my side. I see Michael and smile, hugging him tighter. Wait.. Michael?
I jump up out of his bed, "We slept together?!" "Mhmm...Quiet down... I'm still sleepy...." Michael opens his arms, silently asking for more cuddles. "But what abo-" Michael cuts me off, "come here and cuddle with me already."
I climb back onto his bed and let him snuggle next to me. I blush as I look down at him. Hes so cute. I look around his room.
Band posters hand all over the walls. A posters of woman in a bikini hung near the window. Pictures of his friends were taped to the wall above his desk. I focus on the most recent one.
My birthday picture of us crowded around the arcade game. You couldn't see Michael, which was often the case in most of the photos. He likes taking the photos, not being in the photos. I glance at the door. Whats that sound?
The fucking door opens.
William stands in the doorway. His icy stare piercing my soul as he gazes directly at me. "Y/n.." He continues to gaze at me with a glint in his eyes that sends a shiver down my shine. "I don't remember inviting you into my house." William leans against the doorframe and doesn't stop looking at me.
His stare is making me freeze. I couldn't even say anything if I wanted too.
Michael stirrs. Michael opens his eyes and looks at me with a smile on his face. It drops when he sees the look on my face. He turns and looks at his father.
William fixes his gaze on Michael. "Good morning, son." William gives Michael a smile but something about it makes me tense up.
"Father." Michael says coldly. William continues to smile, "When did Y/n get here?" "Yesterday." Michael says, nothing other than noticeable hatred for his father is spelled all over his face.
William nods. He looks back at me. I don't meet his gaze. "Well.. I guess you can stay a little bit longer..." William takes a step in the room. To which Michael gets up from the bed and stands in between me and his father.
I look at Michael's bare back. Bare back? Oh my fucking god! Michael isn't wearing a shirt.
"You slept like that Michael?" William's tone made me glance back at William's face.
Angry rolled off of William is waves. Each one nearly making William shake. Michael glares at his father, "I did. Got a problem?"
( TW Things get a little bit aggressive and um.. like just be warned.)
William seems to explode. He grabs Michael by the shoulders and pulls Michael closer to him. "Don't talk to me like I'm one of your little friends, Michael" His tone is threatening. Michael flinches at the sudden aggressive gesture from his father.
My body moves on it own accord. I jump over the bed and push William away from Michael.
William grabs my wrist and shoves me to the other end of the room. I lose my balance and fall to the floor, hitting my head on Michael's desk chair.
I wince in pain as I hear a loud crash. I look up to see William standing above Michael, who was on the floor now. A wicked look is plastered on William's face.
Michael face was laced with fear and hatred.
Footsteps came from outside of the room. Elizabeth and C.C were standing in the doorway.
"Father?" Elizabeth squeaked. C.C just stood there and began to cry.
"OUT! GO TO YOUR ROOMS!" William yelled with a  crazed look in his eyes. The two kids ran away.
William grab Michael by the neck. I lay on the ground, frozen at the sight before me. Michael scratches at William's hands but William doesn't let go.
Michael gasps for air. William throws him to ground once more. William kicks Michael's side and Michael yelps in pain. I tried to will myself to move. To help Michael. Do anything other than lay there with a stupid look on my face.
William kicks Michael again, this time on Michael's arm. William kicks Michael in multiple different places. His legs, his stomach, his head, his side. I stand up and toward William.
William focuses on me, I immediately regret my decision to move. William pushes me to the floor. He picks me up again by the scruff of my shirt. William laughs. William fucking laughs in my face.
I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but to avail. William tosses me across the room again like a fucking doll.
William takes a deep breath in and leaves the room. Pleased with himself at the damage he's done.
I slowly move toward Michael, even though my body aches. "Michael..." I manage out. He doesn't respond, he doesn't even turn to look at me.
I feel black and red dots dance at the edge of my vision. I try to reach for Michael but I couldn't.
The pain overpowering my body the black and red dots grow bigger. I feel myself losing consciousness.
"M.. Mic.. hael..." I pass out.

《《《《 TBC 》》》》

British Fuckboy Michael : 3  Y/n X Michael AftonWhere stories live. Discover now