☆Get Out of My House☆

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I open my eyes. Michael snores slightly next to me.
"Y/n! Wake up! Mr. Afton wants to talk to you!" My dad's voice says from behind my bedroom door.
Afton?... William...
"I'll be right there." I yawn. Heading into my bathroom, I brush out my hair. I slash water on my face. I walk out of the bathroom. Kissing Michael on the forehead, I leave my room and walk down the hallway.
William sits at the dining table with my father, laughing about something.
William notices me and clears his throat, "Where is Michael, Y/n? He wasn't in his room when I called him for dinner." He paused and smiled "His other little friends said he wasn't at their house." I laugh, "I know where he is.. but why should I tell you? His reason for leaving is pretty reasonable." I narrow my eyes on William. "If my father did that, I would run away too."
William abruptly stands up, "Where is he?" My father stands too, "Hold on. Hold on." "No! I want to know where my son is!" William shouts.
I smile, "I don't think he wants to be found.." Anger steams off of William, "Y/n.." He warns. "Y/n M/n L/n, tell Mr. Afton where Michael is." My dad orders.
"Don't you wanna know why Michael ran away?" I ask my dad. William glances between me and my father, "Don't you dare, Y/n." I smile sweetly, " I'm not someone who can be as easily controlled, William. Or should I say child abuser?" My father looks at William, "William...?"
"Please! The girl is being a drama queen! I gave Michael a reasonable punishment for disobeying me!" William's voice cracks and his accent slips through. I hear my bedroom door opening and closing, "Why don't you take a look for yourself, William?"
Michael walks into the dining area. He looks around, "Father...?" My father turns around to Michael and gasps. He then looks back a William, "What the fuck William! You nearly beat the kid to death!"
William just stands there, looking dumbfounded.
"Get out of my house!" My father yells. William continues to stand there and stare at Michael.
Michael just stares blankly at his father. "Get out of my house! Now William!" My father gives William a shove, trying to get him to the door. William doesn't budge. William looks down at my father, giving him a murderous stare.
William looks back at Michael then at me. I glare at him, even through being in his gaze sends chills down my spine. William let's out a small huff and walks over to the door, " I want Michael back at home back tonight"
Michael takes a step toward William, "I don't think I will.." William glances at Michael like Michael is a worthless bug, " I want you home by tonight. Period. That's final."
William opens the door and leaves.

《《《《 Time skip(4 hours)》》》》

We stand infront of Michael's house. He tightens his grip on my hand. I glance at his face.
Fear,anger, and an emotion I can't put my finger on, swam in his eyes. Michael's face was emotionless, except his eyes. Always his brilliant stormy blue eyes shone with so much life and emotion. His eyes were focused on the front door of his house. I want them focused on me but right now isn't the time.
The side of his mouth twitched. The movement brings my attention to his lips. Why did they have too look so... so soft. The light pink tint of his lips makes me want to kiss him right now. But that wouldn't help the situation at hand.
Michael turns to look at me, "I should go in....",He looks back at the front door, "it might seem weird that... we're just standing infront of the house" I place my hand on his cheek, gently caressing the bandage on his cheek, "Just.. whatever happens... meet me and the gang at the shack tomorrow."
Michael, not turning to look at me, nods. He takes a step forward, still holding my hand. Michael looks back at me when I didn't follow him.
I softly smile and shake my head. I can't go with you. I wish I could though..
Confusion crossed his face but he turned around and let go of my hand.
He let go. I let him let go. A shaky breath escapes my mouth.
Michael knocks on the front door. The doors opened, I can't see who opened it. Michael walked in and turned to look at me. I saw something I never thoughts I'd see in Michael's eyes... I saw true fear in his eyes.
The door slowly closed. I gulped. I walk away. Past the trashcan, past the old oak tree in Michael's front lawn, past my bike.... Past my bike?
I approach my bike. I pick it up and move it out from behind the oak tree. Dusting off the seat, I ride my bike back home.

British Fuckboy Michael : 3  Y/n X Michael AftonWhere stories live. Discover now