☆ Michael...?☆

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Michael's POV

We walk around the stupid dinner, looking for CC. "What is his surprise, Michael?" Simon asks as he pushes some kid out of our  way. "CC is gonna give Fredbear a BIG kiss." I look down the hallway that leads to the bathrooms. "Ha! Isn't the kid scared to death of those stupid robots?" Mark gestures toward the stage. "Good job, Mark, you found him." Simon points to CC, who was standing by the stage. Frederick looks at me and grins, in return, I grin too. We adjust our mask and walk over to CC. 
I firmly put my hands on CC's shoulders, " Hey there, Crybaby." CC whips his head around and stares at me, fear in his eyes. "Come with me! I want to show you your gift." I ruffled his hair. My brother's eyes widened, " You actually got me a gift this year?" "Of course I did, Bud" I flash him one of my signature smiles. CC smiles too and nods. I turn around and say to the boys behind me, " Now." 
They rush over to CC and pick him up. CC yelps and starts to cry. He is such a crybaby. "Put me down!" CC yells. "No! We have to give you your gift." I say as we start to walk toward Fredbear. CC's yells grow louder but to anyone just listening to the busy diner, they would just think some kids were playing a little too loud. 
We push CC up so him and Fredbear are at eye level. CC's yells turned into terrified screams that filled the diner. " Give Fredbear a BIG kiss, CC!" I said. We pushed CC's head straight onto Fredbear's mouth. 
Crybaby screams bloody murder as Fredbear continues to sing. People started to notice what was happening. I grin a give Crybaby one finally shove.


Crybaby's abruptly stopped. Deep red blood oozed out of Fredbear's mouth, the stupid robot still singing and turning its head to the beat.
Children ran away, screams filled the diner. Hurried footsteps made the floor slightly shake. Parents rushed out of the dinner with their children. Some kids, 10 or 11, stared with their mouths wide open.
I put a hand up to my face. Wiping the liquid off my cheek, I take a step back.
The tone of her voice sent an emotion through me that I couldn't explain. I turn around to face her.
"Y/n.." I take a step toward her, only to be pushed back by a group of people rushing by to leave the diner.
I look up to see her gone. I look toward the door. Some random man had pulled her toward the door. Her.. her dad? What was he doing here?
Y/n and her father left through the front doors as the police sirens grew louder.
I look back behind me.
"CC...." I gulp. Suddenly, a firm hand grips my shoulder and pushes me out of the way.
My father walks toward CC. He reaches past CC's head a presses something on the back of Fredbear's head. There was a click and CC was dropped out of Fredbear's mouth. Father caught CC in his arms.
"Michael" Father looked at me, his voice tainted with loathing. "What did you do..? WHAT DID YOU DO?!" My father gently places CC on the floor, by Fredbear's feet. He got up and approached me.
Taking a step back, I put my hands  infront of me. Father pushed a chair out of his way as he charged at me like an angry bull.
I stepped back again as he raised his hand. I moved my arms to cover the top of my head and face.
Father slapped me across the face, hard....I look at him.
Anger burned in his eyes, his disapproving scowl, the way he was practically red.
That.. isn't who I call my father...
I take a step back and run away as police burst into the building. I push past them, running as fast as I can. I need to get away..
I run on autopilot, my mind racing. Dizziness causes me to zigzag down the side walk like a drunk person.
Realizing where I ran, I stop infront of my house. My house. This will never be my home.
I enter the house and, for some reason, rush into William's office.
I trash the place. Throwing things around, tossing thing to the floor, flipping over his desk, knocking down his bookshelf, and kicking down his work bench.
Something clattered to the ground.
I stare at what fell. My breath heavy, I pick up the VHS tape. My name was written on it.
Taking a deep breath in, I exit William's office and walk into the living room. I put the tape inside the VHS player.



The young teen boy stared at the screen in horror. His father's voice confessing multiple crimes that would land his father life in prison.
His father's voice paused for a moment. Then said. "Michael.. I check the spot where this tape is... I've seen it so many times.. I will know if you've touched it. If anyone has touched it. When I find out you've touched it... I want you gone. I want you be far away.. I want you to be so far away, so far away... I will give you time to run, Son." The voice paused again.
The young boy feels a growing pit in his stomach. He might throw up, it seems.
The voice continues, "If you're still here... well.. you will join them.." The screens shows a clip of his father smiling at the screen. Then it cuts out. Static fills the screen.
The boy is frozen in horror.
He gets up and runs. He doesn't bother saying goodbye to his friends. He doesn't say goodbye to the girl of his dreams....
He doesn't have time.. He must leave..
Fueled by the fear in his stomach, he runs. And boy o boy does he run far.

British Fuckboy Michael : 3  Y/n X Michael AftonWhere stories live. Discover now