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(Pic of the red head)

        You could now see the man. He looked to be quite large, even just sitting on the floor, and seemed to be in his 20s. Dark red hair tumbled down his back, which he roughly brushed away where it draped over his tan face. His eyes were a predatory gold, and you stepped backwards when he looked up.

"Um..." your wings nervously flared up around you.

"Why hello there, darlin'," The man smirked at you and swiftly stood up.

Flushing, you quickly slammed your hands onto the spells stuck on the side of the doorway to recharge them. At that, he raised his eyebrow at the strange position the two of you were in. It kind of looked like you were trying to pin him down with your arms, due to the two of you's close proximity. The man tapped the invisible barrier a couple of times before propping his elbow on it. Leaning down so that his face was right in front of your own, he smirked even wider.

"Wow~ so aggressive," he said mockingly, leaning close enough that you could smell an interesting combination of spices and a hint of something metallic.

'Aight, that's enough,' you decided, lurching up and letting go of the doorframe so that you could look down at him, face contorting in distaste.

In the blink of an eye, the man took that chance to violently hit the barrier again.

"Tch." He shook his fist as gold rippled across the doorway again.

"The hell is your problem?" You eyed him warily.

Never had you encountered anyone who could exert such force on your barrier that it sent your light magic rippling across the surface in a sort of emergency fix so that it wouldn't shatter. Not trusting your spells to last if he decided to keep this up all night, you ripped out a couple of the more durable barrier spells and stuck a bunch around the doorframe.

"Aren't you an angel?" The man mused, ignoring your previous question, "Thought your type couldn't cast spells."

Catching sight of the simple pin for human summoner's on his shirt, you pointedly said, "Well, right back at you. I thought summoners were just normal humans who could summon beasts."

The man shrugged. He suddenly smashed at the barrier one last time before turning to leave when it was clear he had failed.

"Wait, who are you?" You called after him, "And why the hell were you chasing me?"

Without responding, the man agilely leapt over the railing to freefall down 5 flights of stairs.

"What a commotion."

You whirled around to face the voice that had just spoken behind you. The speed of your turn even caused a gust of wind inside the room. Tensing at the sight of a creepy silhouette sitting in the shadows, the orbs of light you had created multiplied and brightened enough to illuminate the.

...You couldn't stop yourself from thinking that he was really, really gorgeous. There was something so doll-like about his face, in the way his features were delicately crafted. If most people were mass manufactured dolls made on assembly lines, he would be one of those artisanal porcelain dolls that were all the rage amongst the young noble girls in the capital. It was as if god had personally shaped his features, adding those little details of beauty that usually were added on manually by humans after their creation using makeup. Your gaze traced over the fine, medium-length silver hair casually braided over his shoulder to meet his lavender eyes, which were examining you.

Mentally, you smacked yourself for being such a simp. Then, you noticed: his pupils were vertical, he radiated an aura of darkness, and you realized that your previous description of him had been quite ironic.

"Demon?" You said neutrally, folding your wings behind you.

"Hm... yes," he lazily leaned forward, resting his forearms on the back of the chair, "Angel?"

"As you can see." you extended your wing as you gestured to it, "Were you here before? Because if this room is taken, I can go elsewhere."

"No." he rested his chin on his arms, lavender eyes still watching you.

After a few moments of awkward silence, it was clear that he wasn't going to say anything else, so you asked, "Then it's ok if I take it?"


Your right eye twitched at the one word answers, but since he was conveniently here anyways, you decided to question him. Either you would get your answers, or he would be annoyed enough to leave. Both were a win for you. Finally releasing the stream of magic you had been providing to keep your luggage floating, you felt lighter as the burden was lifted off of you.

"So you're resident here too, right?" At his nod, you rapidly fired off questions curiously while roughly organizing your luggage packs, "What's up with that guy? I assume he lives here too? And why was he chasing me?"

He slightly frowned at the sudden barrage, but still answered, "He got here before me. Kind of psychotic, that one. He tried to attack me on my first day, but I put him in his place."

It seemed that your responsive listening encouraged him to continue, "He thinks it's fun to test his skill against other magicals. I'm pretty sure that he tried attacking that strange water dragon creature that lives in the hut by the lake, but that thing almost killed him. Actually, it's quite strange that he isn't dead, considering what was done to him... anyways, I try not to interact with him too much."

You absorb all of the information, mentally noting to check it out tomorrow. It was getting late, and none of it was really pressing. Not to mention, you really wanted to unpack some of your living basics so that you could rest.

"Oh right," you suddenly remembered, "how did you get in? I'm pretty sure you weren't here when I got here."

He just stared at you.

"It could also be that I just didn't see you," you added conciliatorily, waving your hands around in wild gestures, "it was pretty dark, and I was kind of distracted at the time."

"...No." He responded, "I came here because I heard a commotion from my room, and wanted to watch that red bastard being beaten."

At your startled laugh towards his description for the redhead, he continued, "You're the newest angel who became an oracle, aren't you?"

'Ah shit, he knows of me,' you felt a bit chagrined, 'should've used a fake name or something. I keep forgetting that I'm a public figure. And he saw me use spells too!'

"How do you know that I wasn't just using a human mage's talisman?" You challenged him, "Those exist now, you know."

"It's so obvious." He rolled his eyes, "You're an angel with a non-light attribute ability, and we both know no human-made talisman would've been strong enough to block the red bastard. Those weak things run out of energy at the slightest blow, and normal angels wouldn't have the correct magical energy to recharge a talisman."

"I didn't know that you demons kept track of new oracles and their abilities." You raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well we don't live under a rock." He paused for a moment, "Though I guess the largest portal to Hell is under a giant rock."

"Anyways, it's late." Leisurely, he stood up, "Goodbye."

"Oh right," you snapped in realization just as the darkness in the corner of the room concealed his figure, "What's your name? I'm (F/N)."


You watched his lavender eyes suddenly disappear, and when you approached the shadow, there was no one there.

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