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(Pic of Dongfang Yuncheng)

        Noticing that his mood was darkening quickly, you quickly switched the topic.

Making a gesture of peering into the pot, you said, "Is the water supposed to be expanding towards the top of the pot like that?"

It seemed to distract him, as he quickly snatched the lid off of the bubbling pot. The two of you watched it go down in silence.

"Isn't that hot?" you asked him, grabbing a random cloth rag that had been laying around to take the pot lid from him.

"Yikes," you immediately felt the burning heat, even through the layers of cloth.

"No, I'm alright," he said, and you briefly caught sight of blue scales on his hand before they vanished.

Grabbing a large spoon, he stirred it for a bit. Seemingly satisfied with the contents, he bent down and gently blew out the large fire. You could clearly see the dense misty cloud produced from just that one breath as it enveloped the blazing flames, rustling your wings at the cold draft. Fascinated, you observed that the coals and wood even showed slight signs of frost in the aftermath.

"What type of creature are you?" You asked him curiously, remembering that Astaras had mentioned a certain redhead had almost been killed by a water dragon-like creature.

"A jiaolong," he responded immediately, without batting a single eyelash, "I suppose it can be translated as river dragon? Though dragon is a very rough translation for l'ong. The only things in common between the Western dragon and the l'ong are the scales, really. Western dragons breathe fire, are greedy and selfish by nature, and live in caves with their hoards of treasure. They also have wings like that of a bat. The l'ong, on the other hand, is a creature of water and rain. We are generally symbols of wisdom and auspiciousness, bringing rain to feed the crops of the common people, or causing floods for punishment. Usually, we live in bodies of water which we call our home, and have control over."

"Though I suppose a jiaolong isn't a real l'ong." Interestingly enough, his voice held disdain. "They're just some snakes that want to be a real dragon."

Dongfang was quite animated and talkative when he spoke about his culture, which was rather different from the originally distant feeling that he had given off. You got the impression that he was actually pretty willing to communicate with others, just a bit awkward at starting or continuing conversations without a certain amount of active participation and encouragement from the other party. He looked over at you as he went over to get a second bowl from the cabinet.

"Would you like some?" He looked at you with a hint of expectation in his eyes, "This is zhou, a sort of porridge made with rice that is traditional in my hometown. The one I made is savory, with vegetables and chicken."

Remembering that one of the customs in the east required a person to reject at the first offering in order to not seem greedy, you gently refused.

"No need to be polite," a hint of a smile crept into Dongfang's eyes as he passed a bowl towards you, "I insist. Although..."

Dongfang eyed your wings, "Aren't you also a bird? Is it alright for you to eat your same kind?"

At that, you almost dropped the bowl you were holding.

'Did he just compare me to a chicken-?' You scrambled to find a suitable analogy to clear your name.

He grabbed spoons for the both of you from a cabinet. Clearly, he was a frequent resident of the kitchen. With full bowls, the two of you made your way to a table in the large dining room.

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