Chapter 3: Provocations

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(Map of the general villa, created by me using Inkarnate. Only part of the lake is shown, as the landmass on the very right of the picture is actually just an island.)

        Fueled by the delicious breakfast you had just eaten, you stepped outside onto the garden patio to try and fly back to the tower. It would be nice to warm up a bit before your task today, you had decided, and it was beautiful outside.

What was not nice was when the crazy ass redhead ambushed you out of nowhere just as you took off. You had barely been able to make out a red blur in the corner of your eye before it happened. With no way to avoid the man due to your vulnerable position halfway in the air, you ended up getting tackled onto the ground. Head hitting the paved ground, your vision whited out as you let out an involuntary grunt. You kind of just lay there for a minute as your brain shorted out. If you had been a normal human, you would have been knocked out cold from the impact due to the catapult-like speed he had hit you with, but you were able to cling onto consciousness.

Closing your eyes because the world was just too bright, and getting into your eyes, you felt the large, constricting pressure on top of you freeze for a second as if in surprise, before lifting off of you. Uncomfortable to be alive, you let out a quiet whimper of pain, which was all you could muster. Splayed out on the hard concrete, you felt distressingly vulnerable, wings pressed under your body. Vaguely, you registered large hands gingerly pushing you onto your side, and you automatically curled up.

Making it onto your side, your wing covered your body protectively. Taking advantage of your state, whoever it was stroked your wings. Instinctively, your wings trembled. As your mind came to, the first thing you did was to immediately flex your wings outward in an attempt to bat away the hands. After all, wings are an angel's sensitive area, and usually only family or partners touch each other's wings.

You heaved yourself off the ground, but the horrible vertigo sent you staggering into the man. You didn't know what his expression was, but you, at least, were very embarrassed. Using both hands, you tried to push him away from you, but ended up sending yourself backwards onto your butt.

Suddenly, you felt extraordinarily aggrieved. Perhaps it was due to the lingering shock of the impact, your painful everywhere, or the fact that he was unjustly and unfairly attacking you even though you had never provoked him in any way, but you started to tear up. Tears slipping down your cheeks, you hugged your knees close to yourself and attempted to cover yourself with your wings. Not that you succeeded, of course, because the mechanics of wings don't work like that, but the man thought it was kind of cute and pitiful.

"Pervert." Your voice wavered, "Scoundrel. Bastard."

The man watched your muddled state with some amusement.

"Hey look, I was surprised that my attack even went through," he scratched his head, "you're kind of fragile, you know? I jumped the other two and they're both fine."

Not even giving him a glance, you continued to look down at your knees and wallow in self pity, "I, I didn't even do anything to you. And you touched my wings too..."

Rationally, you knew that life was unfair, but you also knew that due to you being fairly sheltered for most of your life, the reality hadn't really sunk into your subconscious yet. However, all of that talk about rationality was useless, because you weren't rational right now. As you came down from your emotional high and your angel healing mended whatever injury was in your head, you grew increasingly mortified. You kind of wanted to dig a hole and jump into it, but since that wasn't possible, you settled for embarrassed anger instead. Now that you were in your right mind, you quickly healed yourself with your magic.

Trying to salvage some of your dignity, you picked yourself up from the ground.

Crossing your arms, you irritably said, "Seen enough?"

"Not really, no." He responded, "Go on, I want to see more."

'Just because a dog bites a human, doesn't mean the human should bite a dog.' You chanted to yourself, trying to placate your humiliation as your feet mindlessly took you in the opposite direction from the man.

'At least he didn't attack me after I went down?' You tried to look at the bright side, 'Well, I guess he's not going to attack me anymore, otherwise he could have done it while I was basically incapacitated.'

Not he would have succeeded anyways, since you had a ton of life-saving artifacts that had been given to you by the temple. They would only activate in life threatening situations though, which really didn't help in passive protection against non-fatal attacks. You really didn't want to use any of them though, since it would alert the temple, and they would send him to check the situation out. Part of the reason you had accepted the mission was so that you could stay away from him, since that last awkward fight you two had. Heaven wasn't feeling large enough for the both of you, so this was your chance to take a vacation.


Turning around to address the man, you snapped, "Why are you following me?"

"Don't mind me," he waved his hand at you as if to shoo your attention away from him, "I'm just going to observe you."

"That's... that's not the point-" you cut yourself off, too infuriated to argue with him.

Casting a wary eye at him, you ran a few steps away from him, then took off. He chased under you, and you internally groaned. After experiencing that inhuman strength of his, you really didn't want to test your newly placed barriers this soon. Remembering that he had stopped bothering Dongfang when he'd been beaten to the point of death, you turned around.

Shouting down at him, you said, "Stop following me!"

Summoning orbs of light to surround him, you made a blinding ray of light shoot from one of the orbs. It hit the ground next to him, creating a smoking crater in the overgrown grass that was larger than his head. The laser had vaporized a portion of the ground and singed the surrounding grass within a meter diameter. Looking down at the damage you had done to the poor innocent garden, you somewhat regretted resorting to this level of violence.

'And this is why I don't use my light powers,' you thought to yourself, annoyed, 'it's like using a sword to kill an ant.'

You were no saintly pacifist that would never hit back, but you generally tried not to use your highly destructive light powers because they tended to vaporize things when at the highest power level. Although you did have good control over the level of power you put behind your light magic, the usages for it usually jumped straight from lightly toasting something to severe burns to vaporization.

A lot of people tended to look upon light as a benign element, usually because angels, who also happened to be associated with God, miracles, and healing, wielded the power.

However, the fact was that light was a very powerful and destructive element that only happened to have one beneficial side effect, which was healing. From what you had read before, one of the theories was that because light is the fundamental form of energy upon which all living thing's bodies ran on, those who can manipulate the element of light are able to also create the same life energy which helps people heal. Otherwise, it was a devastating element that could only destroy.

The destructiveness is largely why you hadn't wanted to use it when he tried to go after you on your first day here. You really hadn't wanted to destroy the place you were going to be staying in, especially not a villa as beautiful as this one. Besides, unlike now, it had been night time, so it would've been quite energy consuming to really duke it out with him, assuming he didn't die from getting hit in the first place.

You had hoped that your warning shot would scare him off so that you, but you were forgetting that he wasn't a normal person.

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