Chapter 6: Settling In

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(Not my picture

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(Not my picture. Kind of how I imagine the garden's edges to be though.)

        You awakened at the sound of knocking. Blearily opening your eyes, you flip over to look at the time, now past noon, on the metal analog clock by your bed. Using your abilities, you sensed who was knocking on the balcony door of your room and found that it was a certain redhead. Oddly, he seemed to be in a hunched over position.

Hastily grabbing a sip of water and rolling out of bed, you called out to the knocker, "Be out in a second."

After tossing on a robe over your nightgown, you threw open the door to see a badly injured Serenvalens.

"What in the-?" You frown at his bloody state.

Scanning over his situation, you found what looked like large bites and claw marks all over his body. There were some particularly gruesome ones on his back, but interestingly, there wasn't anything fatal, despite the frequency of the wounds.

"What happened to you?" Your tone was grumpy, but you still reached out to hold him up.

He didn't respond. Looking down at him, you saw that his eyes were closed. Whether he was actually knocked out or not, you didn't know, but since he was basically on your doorstep... Looking around, there wasn't really any space on the balcony to do much of anything so you didn't really have any option except to bring him into your room. With your permission, the wards let him through easily. You had no idea how he had gotten up here with him being that injured, but you had a feeling of suspicion that it was connected to everything else that had happened already.

After purifying your hands and his wounds, you picked him up in a princess carry (thank god for angel strength!) then put him facedown on the couch to avoid his major back wounds. You were not going to get your nice bed dirty. Sitting yourself at the side of the couch, you put your hands on the flesh surrounding the wounds and started to heal him.

This time, it was far less draining. The wounds were comparably less severe and as such, only took you a bit of time to heal. The larger wounds had knit for the most part and the smaller wounds were completely gone when you tapped him, trying to wake him up. When he didn't respond, you frowned. Your healing powers never failed, and if you healed someone, then usually all of their injuries would heal at an even rate. You tapped him harder, then sat him up against the couch, but he still didn't become conscious. At this point, you suspected that he was pretending to be unconscious.

"Hey, wake up." you impatiently grabbed his shoulder and shook him, "If you don't wake up now, I'm going to throw you off my balcony while you pretend to be unconscious."

"Wow, no need to be so mean." Serenvalens opened his eyes and chuckled, "We both know you're too nice to do that."

"Bet." You once again picked him up, then marched towards the balcony.

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