Just A Skate Away (Val X Brink)

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We're in home ec. class, baking. Jordy and Gabby are discussing their cakes. Or more Jordy is telling Gabby how she's messed up. I'm mixing my cake mindlessly in thought.

Peter walks over to them and hands Gabby a tablespoon. "Here you go." He turns to me concerned. "Hey, you okay, man? It's only a cake."

"Yeah, yeah. Hey, uh, you guys ever notice that baking a cake is a lot like friendship?" I ask.

"Excuse me?" Peter states confused and even more concerned.

"Nah, I mean... alright, you put a lotta work into it, right? And sometimes it doesn't turn out the way you expected it to. But it still tastes good." I explain.

"I told you not to eat that spoonful of frosting." Gabby jokes. "Yeah man, sugar can mess you up." Peter follows up.

"It's true. I have this cousin, and she's not allowed to eat any sugar. But one day she had like 4 jelly beans and she started bouncing off the walls like a pinball! I mean, it was like..." Jordy rambles on.

"Shut up Jordy! Please." Gabby warns him.

"Alright, look guys, there's something I'm trying to tell you." I continue trying to make them be serious.

"There you go with that "guy" stuff again." Gabby complains.

"Gabriella, chill out for a second. I gotta talk to you guys about the Invitational." I say to her.

"Ah yeah, man. We're gonna have a good time, huh?" Peter says hyped. "Sweet!" Gabby says high-fiving him.

"Hey, Betty Crockers!" Val walks in with a smirk on his face and his hands in his pockets. "Oh, love the aprons!" He teases walking over to us.

"So, how's the training going?" He says staring at me, I look down. He turns to my friends.

"I mean, the Invitational's right around the corner. Last two years, the team that won the Invitational did go on to win the championship. Now, what team was that? Hm." He says pretending to think. "Oh, that's right, Team X-Bladz!" He says proudly.

"Val, could you be any more of a jerk?" Gabby asks annoyed.

Val makes rude kissy faces at Gabriella.

"No, I don't think so." She says teasingly. Jordy and Peter laugh.

Val hmphs and turns to me. "Is that what you think? You think I'm a jerk?" He asks in a teasing way.

"Ah?!" My eyes widen. I look down and then back up from my cake mix. "Come on Val, we're working here man." I plead.

"Hey! I asked you something." Val says walking over to me so our faces are barely inches apart. "Do you think I'm a jerk?" He asks again smirking.

"No." I say quietly.

"Oh, excuse me?" He says cupping his ear.

"No, I don't think you're a jerk." I say defeated.

"Oh, thank you." He says with fake gratefulness, hand over his heart. He looks into my eyes. "See ya this afternoon, Brink." Before walking away smirking once more.

My friends and I watch Val walk out before they turn back to me.

"Yo, buddy, what happened?" Peter asks confused. Gabby looks angry. "Yeah, what's up with that? You just let Val slime all over you?"

I tisk awkwardly. "He's not worth it." I pretend to act cool and start mixing my cake again.

"What did he mean he'd see you this afternoon?" Jordy asks innocently.

I blush, looking at my friends awkwardly and lie."Uh, who knows? Huh." I laugh slightly before focusing on my cake.


(I'm pretty sure at this point Brink was meant to have his first day at work but we're gonna ignore that.)

I rushed out of school, not stopping to put my skates on until I was a block or two away. I skate to the X-Bladz skate bowl, about to enter the door before an arm links with mine pulling me back out of the door.

"Nuh-uh-uh. Official practice doesn't start for a while. You're coming with me." Val says smiling, pulling me away from the building.

"If practice isn't starting yet, why did you ask me to come so early?" I ask turning to skate alongside him.

"Well, I need to teach you some stuff." He says winking at me. I blush and quietly skate.

We skate through a park before coming to a secluded bench. Val sits down. "I want to see you skate here, on the broken path. Need to make sure you're prepared for anything in the comp." He says.

I nod and skate up and down the path, Val occasionally throwing a rock in my way. I stumble slightly, but before I could fall I feel hands on my hips stabilising me.

"Could you not fall? Please. Look, here, bend your knees." Val says turning me around.

"I know how to skate, ok? You're the one who threw rocks at me to trip on." I say taking a step back.

"Yeah well, we can't have you all injured before we even practice for the comp. You could ruin that pretty face of yours." He says closing the gap back up. "Now bend your knees. A tiny rock shouldn't mess you up so much." He says grabbing my waist again.

I roll my eyes and bend my knees. "Better?" I ask, now in perfect eye line with him.

"Perfect!" He says smiling before he leans in. I jerk back as I feel lips upon mine, losing balance, and slipping backwards on my skates.

He wraps his arms around my waist to catch me as I hurriedly throw my arms around his neck. He pulls me to stand up as our lips remain locked. I hum before we pull apart.

"I Uh..." I stutter confused, happily dazed.

"You seriously need to work on your balance." Val says smirking as he skates back to the bench.

He sits down and watches me, with my mouth open slightly. "Well come on. Sit. You can't block the walkway all day."

I nod and skate over to him. I sit next to him awkwardly, not knowing what to do or think. He uses his hand to close my mouth before turning me to face him.

He leans forward and kissed once more. I lean into it, relaxing and reciprocating. It's soft and warm. Val smiles into the kiss, moving his hand to my cheek.

We pull apart smiling, taking a breath. Val softly chuckles, as I blush. We lean in before hearing a beeping alarm.

"Oops, looks like we're gonna have to continue this later. We've got a practice to get to." Val says looking down at his watch. He turns it off, getting up.

He looks at me as I get up before beginning to skate off. "Wait for me." I huff, following him.


I don't know if this is good. I wrote this because I couldn't find a single Val x Brink story, and just really wanted one.

I wrote the part that is in the movie and then forgot to finish it for a couple of days, so if the pacing is off, I'm sorry.

During that time, however, I've been watching other stuff with Sam Horrigan in it. So if you see a one-shot about Quinton from Grace under fire in the future, that's why.

Anyway, if you've never watched Brink! I highly recommend it. It's a great DCOM and it's on Disney+.

I love you all


Drew X

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