Chapter 11.

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Amari K

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Amari K. Sanders 

Third person pov:

Every since that team dinner Amari found herself hanging with Paige more. There was a sense of trust, not only with Paige but with the whole team. Amari right now was in Paige's dorm laying on her couch.

"Scoot over make some room for me" Said Paige tugging at the blanket that was covering Amari.

Amari moved back into the couch and opened the blanket letting Paige in. Paige didn't mind that she was the little spoon. In fact she quite enjoyed it. They were watching "10 things I hate about you".  The only thing was Amari was a talker. She had a comment on everything that happened. 

"I'd be mad too if I was her! She should honestly beat his ass."

"Amari hush"

"Oh sorry sorry."

a few moments later 

"Oh lord here she go with her poem."





"Bro are you crying?" said Paige sitting up.

"Yes that shit was sad."

"Awww my lil crybaby" Paige cooed the girl hugging her.

"Ew gtf off me"

"Poor babyyyy"

"You are not funny"

"Shhhhh its gonna be okay"

Amari smacked her teeth giving up. Suddenly the door opened and in came Azzi. Azzi stopped in her tracks looking at the sight in front of her before mumbling "wtf" and walking off. Paige and Amari made eye contact and busted out laughing. This caused Paige to roll over and fall off the couch with a loud plop. Instead of helping Amari only laughed harder. Azzi came running back into the room thinking someone was hurt causing her to slip. 

"Ain't no way.." Azzi said in disbelief. She could not process that she just fell. 

Amari was now laughing so hard to the point she was crying. She rolled over and landed straight on top of Paige.


"Are y'all high or sum?" Azzi asked getting up and dusting herself off. 

No response just laughter. Soon it died down and Amari got off Paige and laid next to her.  The blonde looked up into the curly haired girls eyes and their was an unknown tension. Both girls felt their faces heat up. Amari quickly looked away and walked towards the groceries bags Azzi had set down on the table.

"What's in here?" she asked.

"Food because somebody keeps eating it all. I even got us ingredients to make cookies."

"Omg can we make them now?"

"You and Paige can. I'm headed out."

"But you just got hereee"

"Yeah and I got places to be. Bye y'all" Azzi said grabbing her bag and walking out the door closing it behind her. 

"Paigee do you wanna make cookies?"

"Yeah sure why not"

The girls got to work. Pulling out all the supplies they need. First Amari placed a big bowl on the counter. 

"Okay Paige heat the oven to 357 degrees"

Paige got up and did as she was told. 

"Okay I need a stick of melted butter and 3/4 cup of sugar."

"I'll heat the butter"


As Amari went to grab a cup from the drawer. Paige came up behind her with a stick of butter and grabbed the girls waist moving her to the side. Not noticing that pink tint in Amari's cheeks. Then Amari put the butter and sugar in a mixer. 

"P get the flour please"

"P?" asked Paige.

"Yeah I'm trying out nicknames for you"

Paige chuckled. She put the bag of flour next the mixer. Amari then stopped the mixer and went to grab the flour. Paige turned around and leaned on the counter and watch Amari. As soon as Amari opened the flour it went everywhere including her face. Amari just stood there in shock while Paige was laughing her ass off. Amari ignored the girl and put  2 1/4 of the flour into the mixture. She then took another scoop and threw it at Paige. 

"You did not just do that."

"I did. It's not so funny is it."

Soon Amari found herself running from Paige. 

"No NO wait lemme tell you something le-" Amari tried to plead her case but was throw onto the couch and was being tickled.

"Stop! Stop!" She screamed. 

Amari was in fact not liking this one bit. As soon as Paige got off of her she was gonna ignore her see how well she likes that. Amari didn't ask Paige for help. She did it herself. Put the rest of the ingredients in the mixer and put the dough on the cookie sheet. 


No response.

"Amari we are not doing this again"

"Amari pleaseeee"

Paige kept getting closer and closer to the girl. Close enough to feel the girls warm breath on her neck. Amari looked up at Paige. Paige tucked a piece of Amari's hair behind her ear. Paige could not get over how pretty Amari looked. Paige's eyes were dilating from Amari's eyes to her pink lips. She didn't say anything just looked. Amari could feel the gap between them getting smaller and smaller. The tension was getting thicker. Was Paige leaning in or was Amari? Their faces were about two inches apart-


The oven dinged alerting the girls it was time to put the cookies in. They quickly separated from each other. Amari put the cookies in feeling eyes on her.

" We should probably clean up" she suggested. 

Paige nodded. The girls quietly cleaned up the mess they had made thinking of what just happened. When they were done they took their spots back on the couch waiting for the cookies to be done. 

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