Chapter 34

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  Third person pov:

For the next couple days things kinda went back to normal. Not fully, but kinda. Nobody really knew what happened. Amari just said she blacked out at the party and woke up in another state, with her phone dead. When they would ask her how she made it back she would say " I had to ride buses" Of course nobody believed her. It wasn't like her to just black out and disappear. If it was true Amari would have found a way to contact somebody to let them know she was okay.
But to her luck people began to drop it and move on to the next big thing. Not the people who knew the truth. They were always on alert. Always checking up on Amari, always looking for her in the halls. They watched her like a hawk.

With a lot of convincing Amari told Geno about it. He said he would handle it and she wasn't gonna be in any harm. Amari trusted Geno. But she didn't know if she trusted him with her life. It took a while for Amari's phone to turn on but when it did it was flooded with messages. Her childhood friends, distant family, her old teammates, friends, fans, and even people she didn't fuck with. It warmed Amiri's heart to think about how much people actually cared about her. How much of an effect she had on people.

 How much of an effect she had on people

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  " I feel weird. It's like I can't feel anything except hunger. Wait I lie I feel love. I feel it everywhere. It's engulfed me."
                                            Amiri K. Sanders.

First person pov:

  I was sitting in class. Everyone has finally stopped staring at me. Well except for a couple people. But nevertheless the attention has definitely died down. Me and Imani are arguing about if Black Panther or Princess And the Frog is better.

"Bro but Princess and the Frog is so iconic. It's left a mark on everyone who's watched it."

"What boy do you know chooses to watch Princess and the Frog nowadays? And forcing your brothers to watch it doesn't count."

"None but I bet there are some out there!"

"Sure buddy, but everyone loves Black Panther, watch"

"What are you about to do? Oh unt unt sit back down Imani"

Imani got up out her seat and yelled "Wakanda" followed by a couple people yelling "forever".
Imani sat back down with a smirk on her face.

"See? What I said"

"Imani they only said that because you're hot. It's like a social experiment. If someone ugly was to do that they'd be told to shut the front door"

"You're just yapping at this point"

"Hey have y'all heard about the new student?" Asked Ice.

"No but we definitely will be not giving them a tour. We learned our lesson." Said Imani causing her and Amari to bust out giggling.

"Dude that's not even funny" said Nika

"I heard he's a sophomore"

"I heard he's cute"

"They said he takes this class"

The girls continued doing their work and chatting the entire class until dismissal. Leaving their teacher agitated. Amari walked out the door being greeted by Paige.

"Hey baby" Amari said.

"Hey, you got a class after this?"

"Yes we literally have the same class"

"I know I was just wondering if you wanted to skip"

"Absolutely not"

"So lame why not?"

"Because I already have a bad grade in that class"

"You are literally passing that class. One C isn't gonna kill you" Paige said rolling her eyes.

"Maybe to you but I don't play about my education"

"How about you play with me instead?"

"Ew don't even go there"

"Oh so I'm ew now? Alright bet" Paige said unwrapping her arm from the girl.

"No wait I didn't mean it like that. You know I love you"

"Obviously not you just said I'm ew"

"You're so far from ew"


"Yes Paige now come on we are going to be late"

The couple walked to their class hand in hand. Amari took her seat and Paige took someone else's just so she could be by Amari.

"Paige that isn't your seat" said Mr. Bounioux.

"Bro please just let me sit here. I'm not bothering anyone"

"I'm not your bro Bueckers."

"Mr. Botox please let me sit here" Paige said putting her hands together causing a couple of students to laugh.

"You can walk out that door if you want it be disrespectful. I already graduated, I don't need to be here. I'm doing this for y'all's education."

"Yeah yeah so can I sit here?"


Paige huffed as she got up taking her seat on the other side of the classroom. The class started to settle down. Then the door bursted open.

"Sorry I'm late" said a boy.

I've never seen this boy before. He must be the new student.

"Ah you must be the new student correct?"

"Yes sir"

"What's your name again?"

"Braxton Caddel"

Paige and I locked eyes immediately.

Braxton who..?

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