2. College

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Dont overthink it, don't overthink it. I repeat in my head. I took a deep breath and lifted my head up, only to widen my eyes, too.

The building was huge. I mean it was supposed to be huge because it's a college, but I didn't expect it to be that big.

It gave off fall vibes. It looked abandoned, in a good way though. It was pointy in all ends and vines were covering most of it. A rusty clock was in the middle of the roof, kinda like the clock you drew on a house when you were a kid.

What brought attention to me the most was the plants that were clinging close to the building. It was all kinds of plants. Roses, tulips, sunflowers, palm trees and other plants which I have no clue what they are called. Bushes surrounded the front of the building and all around it.

A nudge on the shoulder broke my gaze as I heard snickers an inch away from me.

I sighed and examined the building once more before entering it, keeping my gaze down.

The hallway dripped into silence when I entered. I gulped and kept walking as if I was a normal student. Whispers rushed into my ear while laughter filled the awkward hallway.

Eventually, people started chattering and laughing again. I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was keeping. I went straight ahead to the principles office.

"Come in," A sweet but stern voice called out when I knocked on the door. I exhaled and unlocked the door, eyes already piercing through my soul.

The office looked like a small apartment. The walls were painted in black and each wall had a rose painting on it. The room was very dark, the only source of light was in the middle and it was very dim. Trophies were on shelfs, protected by glass. The office looked... Dull, but it wasn't scary. Just dull.

A cough and I came back to reality. I have to stop zoning out, get yourself together, Sam!

My eyes widened for a second, since it was a gir- sorry, woman principal. I mean I'm not saying that females can't be the head of a university, it's just that most universities have a male principle. Yes, I did my research.

"Your the new student correct?" I nodded. "and your name is...Samuel?" I nodded again. She hummed then opened a drawer next to her and got a folder from it. I managed to let my curiosity loose this time.

She looked back at me then at the folder and started flipping through it while speaking, "What's your intention to come here?"

My nose scrunched up. Didn't I answer that in the form? "Therpaist. I wanna help people with their mental health. So I studied a lot these past few years to get here. " and to not get starved.

She paused for a second, thinking, before letting out a "hm" and handed me two papers and a sticky note. I grabbed them, surprisingly fast.

"One paper is your schedule and the other one is the rules of this university. I hope you follow them." she said before I can even ask.

I nodded and examined the papers quickly. "Do I skip today and start tomorrow?" I asked, since three classes were ready done by now.

She shrugged with a nod. I nodded back then got out of her office.

I smiled proudly when I shut the door. I mean the only thing I wanted to do is not make her hate me, and I think I did a pretty good job at that.

I looked down at the note. Room 341,  was written. I looked back up and headed upstairs, to where I assumed the dorms are.

I scanned through the numbers that were written on the doors. Room 337, room 338, room 339, room 340 and room 341. I flicked my tongue then opened the door, hoping there was no one inside.


A/n: idk how to feel about this, but I'll trust the process even tho I'm making it. Might not update a lot because exams already started, But I'll try!

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