11. Failing.

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Maybe hanging out a lot wasn't a good idea..

I stared at the result in shock and nauseousness. I felt like throwing up and ripping my heart out. A D? That's not like me, at all!

I took a few deep breaths to try and ignore for now, but I couldn't help but think about what my parents can say. Once they see it, it's over for me.

I felt a nudge on my arm. "Hey. You ok? You've been staring at your mark for 10 minutes!" Elena exclaimed, her voice actually sounding...genuine.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shocked about it." I mumbled.

She grinned. "is it that good? Let me see!" She teased and tries to peek.

I pushed the paper away. "its the opposite actually..." I mumbled, getting annoyed. I don't know why I'm getting annoyed, but I guess it's a side effect of getting this mark.

The bell rang and I immediately got up. "I'm going to our dorm. I'll see you later." I mumbled and hurried outside the room, seeing her confused face before I did.

I sighed and kept walking. I should really focus on studying more, but then she would feel sad if I distants myself. But she would get it, right? I gripped on the strap of my bag and walked faster.

~time skip~

A knock on the door could be heard from the other side. "Come in." I mumbled and turned around to see it was. Elena.

"Is everything alright? You didn't seem too good last lesson..." She asked, the worry on her voice and face can be noticed.

I turned around and kept studying. "Yeah, I'm okay." I mumbled, not caring about the question. But I do care. If it weren't for my mark, I would smile from how much she cares. She cares more than anyone. But I can't do that right now, I need to focus on my studies.

She stood for a few seconds before sitting on her bed and pulling out a book. My heart shattered seeing her like this. Seeing her like this because of me. But I have to keep working. I need to. I promise Elena, once I get a passing grade, I'll explain everything. I promise. But for now, I need to work.

A/n: it's really short but I promise the others won't be this short. Angst starting? :)

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