7. Rumors..?

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In the morning, I found Elena on her bed, sleeping peacefully. I examined her body and face-  for injuries, not anything else. Luckily, there was nothing. Guess she was really careful.

I decided to head in the shower, since it was pretty cold outside. The warm water dropping on my back untied the knots in there. It was really relaxing. I groaned when I thought of the most disgusting thing known to humanity. Why do I think of these things? I don't even know myself.

I sighed and turned off the shower, the noise disappearing slowly, turning into silence. After I wore and dried my hair, I headed to the mirror to see how bad the wound is.

Let's just say, that it was bad, but not really bad. It was a cut from the side of my face all the way to my chin. It wasn't deep though, but blood here and there was dripping off my face and to the sink.

"Sam? Are you in there?" A fimilair voice called out from the other side with a knock. Elena. God her voice in the morning is even better.

"Yea I'm here!" I called back.

"Are you done?" She asked.

"Uh, almost. Just give me...2 minutes!" I replied. I didn't hear anything else. She didn't even have to reply. But her voice. Especially her morning voice. it's deep but calming, like your father singing you a lullaby. Not mine, though.

~Time skip~

Walking through the hall was quite...odd. Elena was more energetic than usual, which I didn't mind. Each time we walk past someone or a group, they give the nastiest glare ever known.

I got uncomfortable, really uncomfortable. "Do you know why everyones acting like there is a crime scene?" I asked.

She shrugged with a smile and shook her head. "No. But I heard Henry won't be here for a week."


"The guy that gave you that scar. I know, basic name." She answered before I could even question who.

I nodded and stayed silent after that, what would I even say?

Once I arrived at my class, I waved her goodbye and went on. I regret going in.

The minute I walked in, it was dead silent. Usually, they would keep chatting like nothing happened. But this time, it went dead silent, my own breathing can be heard.

I tried not to make eye contact with anyone and headed to my seat. This will be a long day...

~time skip~

I was right, today was a long day. I got pushed at lunch and got my hair wet while leaving class. I don't know why, I don't even know them. I guess it had to do with the incident that happened yesterday.

When I entered the dorm, an embrace attacked me, making my eyes widen. I hugged her back with a chuckle. "Since when do people give random hugs? Especially you." I asked.

She moved backwards and rubbed the back of her neck. "Sorry, got a little excited."

"don't apologize, it's alright." I reassured her with a smile. "Excited of what?" I asked.

Her smile came back and she ran to a drawer, searching for something. Once she found it, which didn't take long, she came back with two tickets in her hand.

Out of curiosity, I took on and read what on it. "You're going to a concert... on Friday?"

She nodded her head fast. "Yup! But I bought two tickets so we can both go! If you want to come." she mumbled, looking away.

I smiled, but hesitated on answering. I'm not the type of person to go out, because of how cramped the places usually are. But... if it makes her happy, like right now, I guess it won't hurt.

"Sure. I'll go."

A/n: finally finished this chapter after days. Sorry for not updating, if you don't know why, you can go read the other thing I posted last time. Also I'm running out of books to read, so book recommendations? Can be wp books or actaul books :)

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