6. Fight.

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Warning: mention of blood.

My eyes widened and I froze.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye.

Elena jumped from her seat and punched one of the guys straight in the nose, causing him to stumble backwards.

The other two's eyes widened but then one of them came charging on Elena. She backed away before moving sideways, causing his fist to swing in the air and not on her, luckily.

I finally stood up and pushed her out of the way, before feeling something sharp scratch my face. It's caused my vision to blur, not knowing what went on my face. The boy and Elena both had wide eyes.

I tilted my head. "What?"

"you're bleeding..." she whispered, her gaze darkening.

I didn't feel it. I didn't feel the knife slashing in between my face. In fact, I didn't feel anything at all. Then, I heard a voice.

"How could you! You slashed his face like he's some toy! What were you thinking?!?" Elena yelled. I Couldnt tell her that it was fine. I couldn't even move my head. I froze.

The boy stumbled backward before turning and running away. I saw her hand clench. Her jaw also tightened. She relaxed when I tapped her hand and turned her head, flashing me a smile.

"let's get you to the nurse." she suggested and took my hand, skipping through the shocked crowd.

I nodded and walked with her, feeling electricity going through me. It was silent, but not awkward, while walking.

"who's hotoke?" I blurted out, but then mentally slapped myself. What if it was something personal, idoit! "I- sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I-"

"Don't worry. You're ok." She cut me off. "hotoke is....was Mt brother."

My brows scrunched up. "Was? Did he get adopted or something?" I questioned.

She chuckled. "No. I mean that would never happen anyways... Um.. He- well," She sighed and lowered her gaze. "he..Um...d-died" She mumbled.

"oh.." My heart shattered into pieces. I didn't know what to say. I can't even imagine my own brother, if I ever had one, dieing right in front of my eyes. "I'm so sorry to hear that.. You, and your bother, don't deserve to suffer like that... If you need to cry because of it, you can always come to me." I said softly with a reassuring smile.

She smiled back. "Thanks, love." she replied. "Love." I almost fainted. The way she said it with her goddamn smile. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. It's just a habit to call people darling or dear or love. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

I chuckled and flashed a smile. "It's ok. It dosent really matter anyway." It does, but I'm not going to tell her that. She nodded and smiled again.


When we arrived at the nurses office, there was no one there, nit even the nurse. We decided to just take matters into our own hands.

So there I was, sitting on the bed while dangling my legs, waiting for Elena to finish bringing whatever she needs to bring.

When she finished, she came up to me with a wet cloth. "Just tell me when it hurts badly." she said before dabbing the cloth on the wound. My hand clenched from the pain, but it wasn't that bad.

After a few minutes, she finished dabbing the cloth and it was all red. I didn't think it was that bad. She winced at the sight before handing me tissues. "Press it on your face, I'll be back." she said before getting out of the room.

After a while, she came back with a smug smile. "Uh turns out, I broke the boy's nose..." She announced, trying to hold in a laugh.

I didn't seem surprised, because I heard the crack when she punched him. Maybe she wasn't thinking straight because I'm pretty sure everyone heard it. I shook my head with a chuckle. "Really? I didn't know."

She gave me a nudge on the shoulder before laughing it off to herself. I smiled, like a genuine smile. Seeing her laugh right after what happened is nice. Her eyes squinted until you can't even see them. When she calmed down, she had the widest smile known to humanity.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you that I won't be in the dorm tonight." She said.

My nose scrunched up. "Why? Are you seeing your parents or going somewhere?" I asked.

"Yea, I'm going somewhere...well, not really going somewhere...it's like uh- nevermind. All you need to know, is I'm not going to be in the dorm tonight, probably will come back at 4 in the morning." She mumbled while fidgeting with her hands.

"4 in the morning?!?" I said, raising my voice a little. Who in the world goes somewhere and comes back 4 in the morning?? (Just to clarify, I do that.i com back 4 in the morning.)

She groaned. "Yes '4 in the morning'! It's just takes a lot of time, that's why." She said, clearly having a visible face of annoyance.

I nodded, not wanting to interfere anymore. Maybe it is really important. "Should we go back? I don't think we can finish this day without getting stares." Although I need to finish it so my parents don't find out that I'm 'skipping school', I don't think I'd pay attention to class while everyone's eyes on me.

"Yea, sure." She agreed with a nod before taking my hand and skipping to our dorm.

My heart almost pounded out of my chest. I don't know if it's because she's holding my hand, or it's because I never got touched when it was necessary when I was younger. Probably both.

Once we arrived, she plopped on her bed and opened her book. She really loves books, doesn't she?

I looked around the room before deciding what to do, draw. The problem is, I don't have a reference. I sat down on the desk and looked at the blank paper, imaging reference I could draw, but all that came to mind was Elena.

"Hey Ellie?" I said, turning around to face her. Wait. Ellie? Isn't her name Elena? Why would that come out of my mouth? Nicknames, idiot. Of course it's a nickname, what else would it be?

"Yea?" She answered, closing her book and looking at me.

"Can I...draw you? If you don't mind." I asked, looking away. Kinda embarrassing to ask someone to draw them if you ask me.

She flashed a smile. "Of course you can! Just show me the result when you're done. She replied.

I smiled with a nod before examining her face. I don't think I need to do that. I already know everything about it. Sounds weird, I know, but when you hang out with the same person everyday, you don't forget their face at all.

Anyways, after "examining" her face, I turned around and got to drawing. It was pretty easy actually. The sculpture was easy and it wasn't really hard like a model's face.

After 2 or 3 hours of drawing, she stood up and got out of the dorm without saying a word. Guess she needed to go to do her important thing for the night. I sighed and continued drawing. After all, she's coming in the morning so I don't think I'll need to worry.


A/n: long chapter, but a good one. What do you think Elena will do for her to come back four in the morning?

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