10. Bookstore.

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"Do you really need to see every single book we walk pass? Even if you have it?" I whined, not wanting to be here for another four hours.

She shot a glare at me then nodded, examining her book she's holding. "Yes? I don't see the problem." She said with a shrug.

I gave a 'really?' Look before sighing. Guess I do have to be here for another four hours.

We went to the bookstore since Elena wanted to buy a new book since she finished her others. How can you finish that many books? I'll be dead by now!

I leaned on a shelf and threw my head back, staring at the ceiling.

After a while, I groaned. "Elle," I whined. "You've been staring at the same book for 10 minutes!" I exclaimed.

"I don't know if I should get it or not...what if I don't like it?" She mumbled, barely hearing what I just said. "Can you read it for me? Just a little, not all." She asked, getting up from her crouching for 10 minutes straight.

"Uh sure. I don't mind." I said with a shrug before taking it. "Is it...romance?" I asked, examining the cover. It looked...cool.

"No, it's dystopian." She answered.

"Wow, first time you don't read something inappropriate, huh?" I joked with a grin.

She nudged my arm. "Oh, shut up and read." She mumbled.

I chuckled before reading the back. 'The 5th wave'  hm, seems interesting. After reading it, I handed the book back. "It's interesting. You-"

"Hey! Watch out!" Some kid yelled pushing me forward by accident, making me almost fall. He kept running while hiding his mouth with his hand, muffled laughs can be heard.

Luckily, I held onto the top of the shelf with a tight grip. But it wasn't the shelf that I was leaning on, it was the shelf Elena was leaning on. And surprisingly, the place I held onto was right next to her head...worst thing? No best? ...kinda...

Both our eyes widened and I can feel myself tensing up. There was space between us, but very little. My heart was beating out of my chest, but I think it's because of how nervous I was, not anything else. I think.

"Um," I mumbled, backing away a little and rubbing the back of my neck. "Sorry, I didn't mean to." I murmured, looking down.

"It's okay." She said with a smile. "Anyways, should I buy it?" She asked, forgetting about what happened.

"Oh, yeah...you should." I muttered, still embarrassed.

She nodded and dragged me to the cashier. "Stop dragging me everywhere!" I yelled.

She smiled mockingly and continued dragging me. I sighed and gave up. She really is a hand full.


When we got back home, I tackled my bed, tired. "Going out with you is tiring." I complained, groaning.

"No it's not! You're just over reacting." She mumbled, pouting.

I chuckled and got up from my bed, walking towards her. I kneeled a little to be at her height and whispered. "I'm over reacting?"

She tensed up quickly but dif t respond. I moved away from her ear and looked directly at her nervous face. "Seems like you're the one who is over reacting now." I whispered so only she can hear it, although it was only us two.

"Y-You're annoying." She mumbled.

I chuckled. "really?" I teased, lowering my voice. She nodded. I went close to her ear again. "Sure, love. Sure." I whispered directly into her ear before going to the bathroom, leaving her dumbfounded.

I locked the door behind me and slided to the floor, dumbfounded myself. What was that? Where did all that come from?

I sighed and banged my head on the wall."Idoit. Now she thinks you're crazy or something." I mumbled to myself.

Whatever she thinks of me now, can't be good. But, I have to say, her reaction was cute for a girl like her.

A/n: I don't like it... Wtv. Sorry for not updating, I had finals but I finished them so I'll try to write more! Take this chapter as an apology :)

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