Chapter 21

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You and Toji both sat in the living room. You had turned the TV down and sat there, waiting patiently for Toji to begin. You don't know why, but you felt anxious. It's probably just because you've never actually told anyone anything, and you were about to tell someone you didn't even know existed two days ago something personal about you. You brushed it off and tried not to worry too much.

"Believe it or not, but I'm actually a part of the Zenin family." He starts.

You giggled. "I should've known."

"So, you know my family?"

You rolled your eyes and scoffed. "I know OF them, but who doesn't?"

He chuckles. "You're right. Anyway, I was actually supposed to be the head of the family. I didn't want that title or responsibility due to the way I grew up with them. Even to this day, I wish I was never born into that family."

"Okay." You mumbled, unable to form a correct way to respond. You cursed yourself in your head, thinking you probably sounded like you didn't care. You did care, though you couldn't express it freely.

Toji continued. "As what most families experience, it was abuse and trauma. Even though I went through all of that, I managed to overcome my problems. It did lead me down a path, a bad one. My habits almost became my downfall until the day I met my wife.." Just as Toji was about to continue, he turned to you and noticed your expression and raised an eyebrow, holding back a laugh.

You stared it him with a confused expression, stunned at what he had just said.


You cleared your throat and turned your head away from him before taking a breath. "Forgive me for my reaction, but YOU'RE MARRIED?!"

He nodded and let out a small chuckle, covering his mouth with his hand as if he were embarrassed, but he wasn't. It was just that he loved your reactions to certain things. Toji wanted to laugh, but if he did, he thought you'd probably think he wasn't serious. "Is it that shocking? Do I not look like a man who can marry?"

"It's not that. You're just.. arrogant. A little full of yourself, too. You kind of remind me of Satoru, but you're like the bad version of that. Satoru is the good version."

Toji scoffed. "Please, do NOT compare me to that fool. I only brought him up once, and I won't dare say his name. Also, how is he the good version? I'm ten times better than that guy."

You smiled while biting your tongue to prevent yourself from saying anything. You'll let Toji live in his moment. He noticed your expression and glared. It was written all over your face that you wanted to say something.


You leaned forward to grab your cup of tea, biting back a smile. "Nothing, nothing. You can continue." You sip your tea.

His expression softened. "I'll continue, but that conversation will not be forgotten."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but okay." You say, leaning back onto the couch, getting comfortable.

Toji sighed. "Whatever. I met my wife, and she was the reason I stopped my ways. Not because she had asked me to, but because I chose to. Being with her made me happy and content, peaceful even. I married her AND took her last name. A small portion of it was to strip my title and last name of the Zenin family, but the rest was because I did love her. After a short while, we had a son.."

He looked over at you. You who were silent, listening to him.


You looked at him and hummed in response. "Hmm?"

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒, 𝐿𝑢𝑠𝑡, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑠 (Jujutsu Kaisen X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now