Chapter 30

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Y/n's POV

"We're going to tell you something, and we'd like your input on it. That's all, okay?"

Choso's words made me swallow hard. For some reason, him and Sukuna both seemed more intimidating than when I thought Suguru was Kenjaku. Choso cleared his throat, while Sukuna just leaned as his arms rested on his legs, his piercing red eyes staring straight into mine.

"We've heard a rumor from almost five years ago up to now. The rumor is only still going on because a certain person seems to be missing.." Choso started.

"The rumor came from a city just a couple hours away from here, but I can't seem to remember the name. Can you, Sukuna?"

"Nope." Sukuna shook his head slightly, not breaking eye contact with me.

Choso crossed his arms and turned his attention back to me. By this point, my vision was bouncing between Sukuna and Choso. I didn't know who to look at anymore.

"The rumor was that there were two people who were big shots in drug dealing. Everyone knew who they were because they always made their deals together, driving around together, hanging out at each other's houses, and drinking together almost every single day. People even mistaken them for being together.."

Dear God, please tell me this isn't related to what Mai had told me.

"Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a certain girl started hanging around them. Who seemed to always be with them every time they made their deals, gave each other rides, while this girl was always allowed to sit in the passenger and never in the backseat. No one has ever seen her drive their cars. Therefore, the other two were always driving each other's cars."

I was shivering by this point, completely forgetting that Satoru was next to me until he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Because of how close these three people were, people knew them together. Even if these two people were without the other, the girl was always with one of them or both of them. What was it that they called the girl? Or what one of them called the girl?" Choso asked Sukuna.

"Their sidekick."

Choso nodded. "Yeah, that's right. Their sidekick, and she was drunk every day just like the other two."

"Despite being underage." Sukuna added.

Choso continued. "But the two seemed to praise this girl so much, she became their prize possession. As if she were some trophy, and only those who were lucky enough to catch her attention, she spoke to."

"They described her as a calm and collected girl. Even if she was always drunk or blacked out. She never got rowdy, was never out of hand, and never caused any sort of problems. Eventually, people found out the girl was one of their neighbors. They'd always see her walk back and forth in the early morning before the sun rose or simply just walking home to set her dear familys' mind at ease." Sukuna said.

It was clear by this point that they weren't going to allow me to speak unless they were both finished.

Choso leaned forward, getting more serious than he already seemed to be. "One of them started getting jealous over the girl, all the attention she got. How everyone only came over to see her or hang out with her, their words simply always repeating, 'This is MY house, they are MY friends, yet she comes here and acts like she doesn't know what she's doing'."

"They even claimed that you stole someone's attention from them, so they decided to take this matter.. even further." Sukuna smirked at the last part.

"Finally, a rare moment appeared when the two originals were seen without the girl for a day or two. When asked about the girl, one simply answered, 'Who, my girlfriend?'. Of course, by this, people were shocked because of how big the age gap was. The girl who looked like she was, at least, in her twenties was only a teenager, fifteen? Sixteen? While the other two were in their thirties, pushing forty."

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒, 𝐿𝑢𝑠𝑡, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑠 (Jujutsu Kaisen X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now