Chapter 37

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"Sukuna, I don't think this is a good idea.." You say to Sukuna, glancing around the area.

You were currently standing at a bus stop, despite having a car already that was parked on the outskirts of downtown. Sukuna was drinking a tall can to himself, slamming it as if he was in the comfort of his own home. He saw two people who were drinking at the bus stop that he seemed to know, and Sukuna ended up dragging you along with him.

"What's wrong with having a drink?" Sukuna asked as he wiped the corner of his mouth from what spilled while he was drinking.

"There's nothing wrong with it, but in public? At a bus stop?" You raised an eyebrow, feeling really out of place.

He didn't say anything. He simply handed you tall can of beer from the two people that were there and you shook your head. "No thank you. I'm okay."

"Look, I'm dealing with shit YOU caused unintentionally. Let yourself go for today. Everything will be handled eventually. And you're with me, aren't you?"

Hesitantly, you took the can from him and opened it. The smell made you scrunch your face in disgust. You didn't plan on drinking at all, or at least not for a while after what had happened, but you were with Sukuna. He was helping you and seems like he did make it his mission to take care of you after knowing your whole background. Even though you were second guessing yourself, you drank the can anyway. It did feel out of place as you were used to drinking where it was allowed, but at the bus stop? It was very unusual for you. After your drink, you heaved as the burn swelled your throat. Sukuna smirked when he saw your face, catching your breath.

"This feels so weird to drink at a bus stop." You say, holding up the can to examine it. "Is this a new flavor?" You asked.

Sukuna nodded at your question. "Why? What does it taste like?"

"It tastes like a melted fruit punch slushie mixed with alcohol." You said, taking another drink to make sure that was actually what it tasted like. This time, you had already gotten used to the burning sensation. Now, in your opinion, you could probably drink this like nothing, but because of how good it tasted, it seemed like anyone could easily get lost in how many they drank if it were to get more than just one.

The two people who were there started agreeing with you and had there own conversation with Sukuna, who got invested in the story and sat down with them, showing that he was actually listening. It was weird in your opinion, Sukuna being invested in things that doesn't necessarily involve him, and he was actually.. not like him at all. Was he only like this when he's out by himself?

While you're thoughts were taking over your head of how Sukuna was with these people and knowing you four were at a bus stop, very much aware of the fact you all could get in trouble. You were drinking and staying silent, not involving yourself with the people you didn't know and staying by Sukuna's side. Just as you thought, you finished the can within minutes. Sukuna noticing as you threw the can away in the trash, once you were back by his side again he passed you another one while still adding to the conversation. You couldn't help but realize that one of them were taking small glances at you as if they've been wanting to say something for awhile but was waiting for the perfect timing.

"You there.. You're very pretty, what's your name?" The person finally had asked you.

You turned your full attention to them, taking in their appearance. It was a girl who looked like she was around your age. You had nothing against the 'alternative' or 'scene' kind of style, you did used to dress similar to that in your own way when you were younger, but were these the kind of people they hang out with or was it just Sukuna? Because the other person was did not look like that at all. The other one was a guy, and he was dressed.. almost looking like something out of the K-drama shows you've seen. He was still wearing all black, though. They didn't even look like they drink, especially out in the open like this.

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒, 𝐿𝑢𝑠𝑡, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑠 (Jujutsu Kaisen X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now