Chapter 32

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"If I'm going to talk, can the questioning wait until after I'm done?" You asked, sitting back in the living room with the others, but Suguru sitting right next to you, holding onto your hand.

"Is that your only request?" Choso asked, raising an eyebrow. You nodded at his words. They all could tell that you were feeling more comfortable and relaxed than you did earlier. They took quick glances at each other, indicating that they were all in an agreement. Instantly, you could feel it. All the attention was on you.

You took a deep breath and started explaining everything.

"I had a best friend. Her name is Mai. Her and I were really close until something just happened one day, and all of a sudden, our bond was not as strong as it was in the beginning. I don't know what it was or why she did it, but Mai's mom, Tezuka, started reaching out to me, along with Mai's siblings and the rest of their family." You paused for a moment to think.

"Let's see, I was eleven when I met Mai, but I started hanging out with her family when I was fourteen. Then I met Tezuka's adult friends when I was fifteen and started hanging out with them. Looking back on it, I didn't have a reason to hang out with them. I think I just liked the fact that older people thought I was cool and wanted to hang out with them."

"I met Shion through Tezuka.. They were best friends. Hanging around them wasn't part of my plan. Being the next one included, the 'sidekick' thing all kind of just happened so fast and so suddenly. Yes, I did drink with them, but it wasn't an everyday thing. I think people just assumed I was always drunk because Tezuka and Shion were always drunk."

"Every day was always the same for them. Sleep for an hour or so, wake up, drink, drive around, by more, meet with friends, hang out at each other's houses, and sleep. It was like that all the time. I wasn't a fan of that lifestyle, and at the time, I wasn't in school because I was supposed to transfer, but it just took so long, I did forget about it at some point."

You ended up laughing to yourself from a memory. "That's how I ended up with the nickname 'Twenty-four hours'. I always left at a certain time, stayed away for a whole day, and returned around the same time I left. I did this because I realized that Tezuka and Shion always got upset or annoyed every time I said I was going home. So, I started coming up with every excuse I could come up with. I couldn't live up to their lifestyle, I didn't want to. I even wondered how they managed to do that."

You sighed, looking down at Suguru's hand intertwined with yours. "During that whole time, I was talking to Kenjaku and seeing him from time to time whenever he was around."

"He ALWAYS tried to convince me how Tezuka and Shion weren't my friends and that he was tired of me always defending them. We weren't together at the time, but I did like him a lot, and.. he liked me. At least I thought he did."

"One day, Tezuka had asked me why I was always glued to my phone and hardly coming around. When I told her I was talking to someone, she just started bringing up Shion, her cousin Low, and other guys left and right, telling me that they liked me, but I never believed her or was interested. Shion and I did hang out, it being just us without Tezuka sometimes, but he never showed any signs or has said anything to me indicating that he was interested in me, so I didn't think much of it."

"Whatever happened that night was out of nowhere. We were all hanging out the day before, and Shion, Shion had asked me t- to go with him. I told myself I was only going to be out for two hours.. two hours and I'll go home." You felt Suguru's hand squeeze yours as he sensed that you were panicking a bit at the ending there. In return, you squeezed his hand back and calmed yourself down.

"I did have a lot to drink that day. I was with Shion that night. Eventually, I started dozing off, in and out of a blackout. I was sitting in the passenger seat of his car, he was talking to me and we ended up picking someone up, and that was all I could remember before I fell asleep, just like how I did once I got into Satoru's car that night."

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒, 𝐿𝑢𝑠𝑡, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑠 (Jujutsu Kaisen X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now