Chapter 38

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"Ooh.. so, that is who you saw at the store. Your ex-boyfriend." Solitayr said in a surprising tone after you explained the sudden anxiety when you had gotten back into the car.

You nodded at her, and sighed with a wearily smile. "Yeah, and I just don't want to be around him at all."

"Was he like, abusive or something?"

Instead of answering honestly, you just shrugged at the question. "He just cheated on me, that's all."

As much as you could open up about it, you just left it at that. You did explain how you ran into him, but you left out almost everything, including his name. Whoever all knew your situation now was more than enough and you did just meet Solitayr today, so it felt like opening up to her was way too soon to even do so.

It was five in the evening, you and Solitayr were sitting on a blanket, staring into the distance of the ocean. Being here wasn't actually planned, but today ended up being your first day wandering around and finding things to do throughout the day without a car, the ocean being the farthest you all made it to. After your constant questioning to Sukuna about all the possibilities of not making it back to his car or to his home, he kept advising you not to worry and that he'll make sure he'd take care of everything. Though, his teasing about it not mattering of 'as long as' you guys made it home instead of 'when' didn't help much.

You and Solitayr were watching the three water bottles while Sukuna and Ventus went to get more cans, claiming that you should try the other new flavors that came out. You were pretty much buzzed the whole day as you already planned to pace yourself. Sukuna, Solitayr and Ventus were more drunk than you, not blacked out and have actually been keeping up with you.

"How long has it been since you've broken up with your ex?" Solitayr asked you, catching your attention from playing with the sand. "Two years."

"Wow, that's quite a while. Do you ever think about being in another relationship again?" Her question made you think a lot. You've always thought about that question. Solitayr, on the other hand was just curious for her own personal reasons.

"No." You replied nonchalantly, hoping to brush off the topic.

Solitayr's expression changed, wondering if you were lying to her or not. "So, you and Sukuna are-"

"Aren't together."

Solitayr fell silent for a moment. Her curiosity was just getting the best of her. "What stops you from being in another relationship?"

You scoffed and smiled at her question. "Fear. I can understand fully if someone may have taken an interest in me and wants to be serious, but I know a part of me will never allow it."

-"How did I get so lucky with you?"-

Kenjaku's words echoed through your mind. You remembered every single thing he's said to you that made your heart flutter, like you were living a fairytale only for those moments to be stripped away from you when he'd get angry. Maybe your buzz was giving you headache or it was probably just the thought of him since you saw him today.

It did hurt when you left him, but all the things he did behind your back and treating you like you were the problem for seventy-five percent of the relationship during those three years hurt worse. The thoughts that made you strong enough to not turn back to Kenjaku during the first few weeks after you left was the fear of having to go through the same thing all over again, but also knowing that nothing would be the same.

Now, all you knew was that you didn't want it anymore.

"In my opinion, I think Sukuna likes you." Solitayr said as she leaned to the side with a smile. You giggled at the thought. Everyone likes you and you knew that now, because it was becoming more obvious by the day. But why?

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒, 𝐿𝑢𝑠𝑡, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑠 (Jujutsu Kaisen X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now