Chapter 39

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"Either you think I'm stupid or you're a fucking idiot for lying to me. You said she was gone." Kenjaku snarled at Toji.

Toji kept his hands stuffed in his pockets and his eyes closed. He knew Kenjaku would be pissed when he'd find out, but Kenjaku was definitely not a threat in Toji's eyes. Just a lowlife adult with nothing else to do. Toji was actually really thinking about getting a real job... Maybe.

"Well, I thought she left, because I was quite certain that she did. Unless it was your brother she left with. I get confused with the two." Toji says with a smirk as if he wanted to get under Kenjaku's skin.

"You're fucking with me, aren't you." Kenjaku was not amused with the way Toji was talking to him.

"You do realize she's afraid of you, right? It's honestly amazing of how she managed to keep her sanity." Toji paused for a moment. Finally letting his curiosity get the best of him. "Why do you want her so bad for anyway?"

Kenjaku scoffed. "That is none of your business."

"It very much is if I am to kidnap the girl and leave her in your care. I'm being paid to get close with her, so you might as well tell me." Toji chuckled at a thought. "Sukuna may be a mere threat to me, but you, on the other hand... That's why you're not involved with Sukuna anymore. You got him into shit and because of your childish antics, Sukuna is now a big shot in the underground world. You're fucking lucky that you aren't dead... yet." Toji taunted with a smirk.

Maybe Toji was getting a little too full of himself while trying to get a rise out Kenjaku, but there had to be more than just 'trying to get my ex back' show that Kenjaku was portraying as.

"You've kept all her things. Why?" Toji crossed his arms over his chest, but his grin never faltered. Kenjaku, who looked pissed off more than ever, couldn't even answer Toji.

Simply because he didn't know either.

After everything Kenjaku had done to you behind your back and manipulated you in many ways, he knew he was bound to get caught sooner or later. The only thing he didn't expect was you actually going through with leaving him. Kenjaku did try. He tried to get rid of all your belongings, even wanted to destroy them. Though, he couldn't bring himself to do it. The thought crossed Kenjaku's mind, wondering if it wasn't what he thought. The entire time, he manipulated you. . . But what if the cards he played were reversed?

That was his thinking then, but this time, Kenjaku actually has a real reason behind why he wanted you now.

"Has she ever spoken to you about her family?" Kenjaku asked, the scowl on his face turning into a smirk, almost a hint of pridefulness in the way his entire demeanor changed.

If Kenjaku was bringing up your family, Toji knew that there is more than he thought it would be. "I met her family."

"Her mom's side?"

Toji hesitated for a moment before speaking. It was obvious that Kenjaku was not talking about them. "Yeah."

"So.. as someone who's known her for ten years and dated her for three, I know she's always had issues with her mother's side. It's why she always hung out with her friends instead and chose to go to a different school. She wanted to get out of that family." Kenjaku explained. Toji had already figured that after you had explained things to him before. Even though, you didn't go into great detail, Toji knew that your reasons were more than what people would understand. Toji decided to try to remain silent just so Kenjaku can get straight to the point.

"She has a different father than the rest of her siblings. Honestly, if Y/n really wanted to get away so bad, she could've just went to him for help." Kenjaku said.

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒, 𝐿𝑢𝑠𝑡, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑠 (Jujutsu Kaisen X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now