Chapter 34

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"... Something happened last night, and Kenjaku had gotten mad at me. No matter how much he gets mad, I always try my best to make him feel better. In a way, I feel.. broken? Lost? Uncertain? I'm not too sure, but I never tell him. And every time I feel down, I would never speak my feelings to Kenjaku. I'd just lay next to him and bury my face in his chest or his back then hold him close. When he would question me, I'd answer with 'I just want to hold you, that's all'. He already does so much, I don't want to burden him with my silly little problems compared to what he goes through. Sometimes, I wonder how would my life be like if-"

"What are you reading?" Utahime asked as she pulled the book out of Kenjaku's hands and skimmed through the pages that it was opened to. He immediately snatched it out of her hands, sighing in annoyance from her actions.

"Don't touch things that aren't yours!" He said as he closed the book and put it back in his drawer and slamming it shut.

Utahime sat down at his table, getting herself comfortable. She couldn't help but feel irritated at the fact that Kenjaku always tried to act as if there was nothing bothering him or like he wasn't doing anything wrong. Yet, in a way, she felt a strong bond with him, and not the kind of bond she has with Suguru. Kenjaku, being Utahime's boyfriend for almost a year, never understood how exactly she managed to make it this long with him when she was fully aware of who he actually wanted.

"Don't tell me it's her book. A diary perhaps? Because only a freak would write about themselves in such a-"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You said that they were going to bring her. What happened? It's been almost three days!" Kenjaku raised his voice as an attempt to scare her.

Utahime only rolled her eyes and shrugged. She wasn't scared of him. Though, she had always wondered what could he have possibly done for you to keep the relationship between you and him a secret from everyone. 'Her loss, I guess.' She sighed, waving her hand like it wasn't a big deal as she answered him. "Pulled over, maybe? Didn't you go to her house?"

The door opened as Utahime and Kenjaku looked in the direction of the front door, both already knowing who it was. A scoff left the man's lips once his eyes landed on Utahime sitting at the table of Kenjaku's home. Kenjaku glared, waiting for an explanation as to why he did such a thing.

"Your little toy fucked up." Toji smirked while walking inside the apartment. Kenjaku shot another glare at Utahime, wondering what Toji was talking about. He crossed his arms over his chest, expecting her to answer.

Utahime got defensive and stood from her seat, her face showing how offended she was from Toji's words. "D-did not! I MADE her get into the car!! Satoru's car!!!"

"Yeah, and she's back at her place."

Rage spread across Kenjaku's face. He couldn't believe how stupid he felt, thinking he could entrust her with a task that Toji probably could've done easily, but even so, Toji rejected the setup. He claimed he didn't want to be anywhere near Gojo or Geto. Which was the only reason why he chose Utahime. It's not liked he talked to anyone else. Kenjaku did have the occasional drunken meetups with Yuki, but that ended almost around the same time him and Utahime got together.

Kenjaku clenched his fists. He took a deep breath to calm himself before facing Utahime with a bored expression. "You're staying in the living room tonight."

Utahime fell silent and sat back down in the chair with her arms crossed, muttering under breath. Kenjaku only ignored her and motioned Toji to follow him into the bed room so Utahime wouldn't be apart of the conversation or hear any of the details. While walking to the room, Toji couldn't help but notice a small closet that was slightly open. Of all the times he's been over at this very apartment, that single closet had always remained closed. The only reason why Toji felt curious was something had caught his eye. Even if it wasn't much to see, it was very easy to make out as to what it is.

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒, 𝐿𝑢𝑠𝑡, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑠 (Jujutsu Kaisen X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now