Chapter 4

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It has been already thirty minutes that M/n went to the washroom. Normally, he did not took that long.

Hiro went near the public toilet door and knocked.

« Hey champ, you are in there ? »Zero response. It was all silent.

« Hey, answer me. » Still no response.

« M/n answer me dammit ! » Hiro was beginning to loose patience. He felt a strange feeling in his guts. Like something bad happened. He knew that this gut feeling come when there is something bad going to happen.

He swiftly kicked open all the doors, one by one.

When he did not see M/n in any of the toilets, he stormed out and yelled.

« I want this fucking mall to be closed. No one enter nor leave this fucking bitch of a mall ! »

« I want guards around all the entrees on the freaking mall ! If I see someone or even something coming out of here, I will make sure you all regret being born ! »

Hiro was flaming in rage. His son, his only source of life was taken away from him. If he did not find him on time, he promised to make a living hell that even the devil will be put at shame.

Meanwhile, there was our little protagonist and the kidnappers. They were in a typical kidnappers van.

But there something strange, something that bothered the kidnappers to much. The little boy was not even screaming, nor crying, not even talking. He was calmly sitting, his hands attached behind his back. He looked completely zoned out.

One of the kidnappers snapped his fingers in from on his face. M/n finally snapped out of his trance. He looked at them, dead in the eyes.

« What ? »

The kidnappers eyes widened. Of all the answers they were expecting, that was not one of them.

« That's all you got to say : 'What' ? »

« You are supposed to be terrified, not emotionless. » They were getting very frustrated. They wanted him to cry his eyes out. Not simply sit there.

« You're not gonna ask why we kidnap you ? »

« You kidnapped me because of my father business. » He said, completely caught them by surprise. How did he knew about it.

« But may I tell you something very useful ? »

« Yeah go on. »

« You should always check the pockets. »

They suddenly got what M/n was implying. They looked over his and saw a Smart Watch.

One the other side, Hiro was in his car when he got a notification.

« A localisation was shared with you by 'My Champ'. »

He quickly took his phone out and told the driver to go there.

Once they arrived, they found themselves in front of a old building. The windows were broken, the entry was not even there.

Hiro signaled the guards to watch behind and took a few other guards with him.

They were destroying all the building, even though it was in a very horrible condition already.

They arrived in front a door and Hiro kicked it open.

What he saw flabbergasted him.

There was M/n sitting on a chair, sipping a juice can. Near him, there were three men laying on the ground. They were badly injured; they were covered in bruises, cuts...

« Papa ! » M/n saw his father and run to him. His father caught him and plantes kisses all over his face. M/n giggled and pushed his dad's face away.

« You ok Champ ? »

« Yesssss ! » He hugged him tightly, not wanting to lose again.

« Let's go home now. » Hiro said, caressing his son's head affectionately.

M/n immediately fall asleep.

« Take them in the warehouse. » He ordered. The guards took them away and the father-son duo went home without an hunch.


•>MAFIA'S LITTLE PROTÉGÉ<•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang