Book Store Meet Cute

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Lilly wasn't necessarily proud of what she was doing.

The store was quiet, only one person was looking through books. The rest were at the cafe.

She decided to take this time to look up this Lucas Bradford guy, people were talking about.

Since she's been here, she's heard multiple people talking about the boy. His family was like royalty here.From what she's heard, he's her age, not really a people person and that he was sent to a boarding school to help with his "attitude".

The more she heard about him the more she wanted to put a face to the name.

So the best way to do that is social media.

He didn't have a profile but he did have his own hashtag. Every post was from people from Westport. Random selfies with him looking like he wants to be anywhere else and creepy wannabe paparazzi photos of him around town.

He was never smiling in them.

"Excuse me." A deep voice pulled her away from what she was doing.

Looking away from her phone. She is met with a face that matches the one currently on her phone. Startled, she quickly closes the app.

"Ah, yeah, what can I help you with?" Trying really hard not to let her childhood stutter come through. She had worked too hard for it to come back.

"I was just curious if my order had come in yet? Betty said to come back in three days to get it."

"Let me check. What name would the order be under?" Lillyasked, opening our computer to check.

Maybe he just has a really similar face as Lucas Bradford. There's no way that he just appears as she was looking him up like a total stalker.

"Lucas Bradford."

"It looks like it's in the back, so I'll go get it for you."


The second the door closes behind her, it feels like she can finally breathe. She was just standing in front of the person who supposedly punched someone for her. A person he's never met, never talked to, probably didn't even knew existed before that moment.

She had to reel in all the questions she wanted to ask him from just spewing out of her mouth, as she grabs his order, takes a deep breath and opens the door back open.

There was a small part of her that hoped maybe he would have an emergency call that made him have to run off. Then he would come back during a time when she wasn't there. But no, of course the universe didn't want to help her out.

"Here is your order, it looks like you paid in advance. Is there anything else you need help with?"

"Are you new?"

"Kind of. I've been living here for a little while. If what I've heard is right then it was soon after you left."

"Ah, people in this town love to gossip."

"Yeah, unfortunately."

"Would you want to hang out sometime?"

With that, the smile on her face dropped.

"I mean hang out as in grab a coffee or something." He added after noticing the change.

"I don't know if that's a great idea. Some already hate me because they say I'm the reason for your suspension. I don't want to add fuel to the fire."

"We'll, they're idiots. But I'll respect your answer. If you ever change your mind, here's my number." Sliding a piece of paper over the counter.

"I'll think about it. I hope you like the book."

As he goes to walk away he looks back at her. She was now reading a book. The sun was coming through the window and hitting her perfectly. He thought she looked like an angle. He hadn't even noticed the smile growing on his face.

Nor did he notice that someone was filming from afar and posted the video under the hashtag.

Gaining attention right away.

More specifically Blonde number one's attention.


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