Dances & Mommy Fights

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Normally an event like this would feel like torture for Lillian Otto. The rich kids training to be like their rich parents. The parents of the kids who made her life a living hell before Lucas came along.

But tonight all she can think about, are the supportive and strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind. Swaying back and forth watching everyone trying to get in with the Bradfords.

"Do you think they'd finally leave you alone if we just start making out?"She asked, turning her head to look at him.

"I couldn't hurt anything." He turned her around. "It would definitely be the talk of the town."

As they started to lean in, Lilly felt a light hand touch her arm. Turning to the person she saw her brother's date looking distraught.

"Hey sweetie, what's wrong?"

"Have you seen Oliver?! I've asked around and people said he just walked out after talking to your mom. I can't do the dance by myself. I don't want to just sit on the sidelines!"

"I don't, but we'll figure this out." She turned to Lucas. "Could you check the bathroom. That's probably we're he would go to get away from mom?"

He left with a kiss to her cheek.

"As he does that, how about I help you with your makeup?"


"If he didn't like me he didn't have to accept." The young girl said as she washed her face in the bathroom sink.

"I promise you, it's not you. He did tell me you two had fun during practice. He was excited about tonight, there's this girl he likes but she asked someone else. He's probably hurt by seeing her tonight."

Before they went to the bathroom she had grabbed her emergency makeup from Lucas' car. Taking out the blush she started to apply a light dusting over the apples of Kimmie's cheeks. A touch of highlight, simple eyeshadow, lip gloss, and she opened a new mascara.

"Now, we're going to go back out there and you're going to have fun. If he's to stupid to dance with you, then I'll be your partner."

They share a laugh as they open the door, going to wait in the event room.



All he could hear were the thoughts, racing through his head, and his breathing was the only noise in the room.

Staring straight into a sink.

"Hey bud." A voice he's grown comfortable with, said from behind him.

Turning around he sees his sister's boyfriend.

He was saddened by the fact that his father wasn't the one to talk with him. The man that was supposed to teach him about life, protect, and pick him up when he fell, was slowly being replaced by a teen that fell for his sister.

"Hey." Oliver replied, trying to seem unfazed by everything.

"So I know it hurts seeing someone have what you want, but it will get better. If I was still stuck on Susie from 8th grade, I wouldn't be here with My Flower. If Alice doesn't see how amazing you are, then it's her loss."

"You liked a girl named Susie?"

"Well the thing is, she was older, and a waitress at the popular restaurant in town. She would always give me a cookie for free. At that point in my life I didn't really know what love felt like. I thought that the act of kindness was because she liked me. But really I reminded her of her younger brother. One she hadn't seen in years.

I was heartbroken when I found out she didn't like me. But now I have a girl who cares about me. That doesn't care about my last name. One day you'll find someone that will treat you so much better."

"Thanks." He nodded his head slightly.

"Okay, now that you're feeling better. Grab the corsage and let's bring you to your lovely partner for the evening."


"I'm sorry I worried you." He got down on a knee holding out the corsage. "I hope you'll take this peace offering, and we can try to make the best of this dance?"

Holding out her wrist for him to put the flowers on.

"I would love to."


Everyone was having fun.

That was until Katie Otto just need to but in, feeling it was her duty to fix everything that doesn't really need to be fixed.

Walking right up to Sophie's mother. Ready to fix Taylors past friendship, even when said child says to do otherwise.

"Hi, Sophie's mom. I'm Taylor's mom. Seems like our girls aren't getting along very well these days."

The red headed mother shook her head with a slight laugh."Girls this age, right?"

"Yeah, but this case it's more your girl." Katie said pointing at the woman.

"You have a problem with my girl?"

"I have. problem with the problem your girl has with my girl."

"Well, maybe you should mind your own business and let them work it out themselves."

"And now I have a problem with you. You're about to be a part of something called making a scene."


"Are you serious?!" Lilly exclaimed at her mother in the parking lot.

"What? She started it."

"No she didn't! You walked up to her picking a fight over her daughter choosing to stop talking to Taylor! But when i'm being harassed and physically assaulted by boys groping me in the hallway, you yelled at me!

"You just had to make this night into the 'Katie Otto Show'! This was supposed to be about Oliver!" She lowered her voice. "I don't care what you say but Oliver and I are staying at Lucas's."

With that she walks over to her boys. Oliver and Cooper have been getting a lot closer, so they will sometimes join the couple. Tonight there will be so many movies and snacks to drowned out the bad parts of tonight.


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