Snowed In

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(A/N: This is kinda rough. I'm sorry. I've had a migraine for a couple days and it hurts to look at screens for to long.)

Lillian felt like she was surrounded in warmth, it felt like she was sleeping on a cloud. She had never slept that well.

Until a foot jammed into her rib.

The parents decided that if Lucas was going to stay over Anna-Kat would sleep in Lilly's room with them.

As she started to wake up she tried to move. That was stopped by a groan and arms tightening around her waist.

"No. Don't leave."

She hadn't understood the hype around men's morning voices until this moment.

Low and raspy.

"How long have you been up?" She whispered so as not to wake her sister.

"Couple minutes ago. I'm surprised you just woke up. The little one over there has been rolling from one side of the bed to the next. Leaving no ribs left un-kicked." He joked, matching her volume.

"I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?" She started to push his shirt up. "Let me check if you have any bruising."

"It's fine love." He grabbed her hands, stopping them from their mission and kissing them.

They both stopped talking when the little girl started groaning.

"I'm going to leave if you don't stop talking. You'll have a real bed but I'll have the ground." She the. pushed the blanket off of her. " You know what, I'm just going to go to my room."

After that she made a dramatic exit.

"I'm sorry again. She's not really a morning person. But are you still up for taking me to work on your way home?"

"Yeah, I'm excited to see you at work."He started to play with her hair. "We can pretend not to know one another. You can sit behind the counter while I sit at that chair by the window. You'll look over at me and meet my eyes over the book I'm holding trying to make it seem like I wasn't only there to look at the most beautiful women at the counter.

"Maybe I'll ask for her help finding a book so we can walk towards the back we're no one goes. She'll try to reach for it but can't reach. I'll step behind her and hold her hip as I grab the book. She'll turn around and our mouths will be so close it would be a waist not to kiss. But we'll hear someone coming by making us pull apart. Then we'll be separated by another customer who asks for help. We'd go back to our original spots and try not to think about what happened."

Neither knew who started the kiss but it got heated really quick.

Lucas hovered over the girl that he was sure he loved but was too nervous to say it. Her hands were grabbing onto his hair, lightly tugging and pulling out a small moan from the boy.

The next groan was after Lily switched their positions again. Giving her the upper hand, and while Lucas would have thought it was incredibly hot, there was now something hard stabbing him in the back.

Lilly rolled off him as he got up and found one of Anna-Kats ponies was the culprit for his pain.

Without any warning the door opened and her mother walked in. "I thought I should tell you everyone is packed and we'll be leaving soon. Don't burn down the house, get arrested, or be hospitalized."

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