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Ever since Yuji became your 'friend', your life changed. It was no longer filled with quietness and solitude. Yuji, with his loud and energetic personality, turned your life into a whole circus. However, you remained the same. Stoic and unbothered.

It was just a normal day and you were on your way back home after a tiring day at school. As you were walking, you reached for your pocket to check something and realized that you had left your headphones on your desk. Letting out a sigh, you knew you had to go back to school to get them. It was starting to get dark and you had to hurry.

As you got closer to the school, you suddenly felt a strange energy surrounding the building. It wasn't a good feeling. And now, standing in front of the gates, you couldn't help but wonder.

''It must be a curse's doing...crap...'' Your voice trailed off. 

Without wasting any time, you quickly entered the school gates and heard some commotion coming from the rooftop. Without thinking twice, you ran through the corridors and up the stairs. As you kicked open the door to the rooftop, you were greeted with a shocking scene.

Yuji was in a bad shape, beaten up and half-naked with strange lines on his body. Next to him was another person, also beaten, with spiky hair that caught your attention. 

''What the hell happened here?'; You asked in disbelief as you made your way towards them. But before anyone could answer, a tall man in a mask appeared out of nowhere. 

''Yo!'' He said, catching everyone's attention. The student on the floor immediately recognized him as Gojo Sensei and seemed surprised by his sudden appearance.

Gojo sensei explained that he was looking for something and asked the spiky haired one it he had found it. Yuji, with his usual obliviousness, replied that he had accidentally eaten it. You just stared at him with a blank expression. Only Yuji could bring such chaos even in the most serious of situations.

''Itadori...what the heck is going on...what did you eat?'' You asked, Yuji looked at you in silence. The one named Gojo walked over to Itadori and inspected him


''Haha! You're not kidding...they're combined'' Gojo said amusingly as he looked at Yuji even though he had a mask over his eyes

''How does your body feel?'' He asked Yuji, you looked at him

''Okay...'' Yuji said whilst inspecting himself

''Can you switch to Sukuna?'' Gojo asked, Yuji as always had no idea what was going on. Even you were confused 

''What the heck is a Sukuna?'' You mumbled curiously,

''It's the cursed object he ate'' Gojo replied calmly, your eyes widened


''You ate a cursed object? Wait a minute...then that means you both are Jujutsu Sorcerers?'' You asked surprisingly as you stared at the newbies. They both stared at you

''So you know we exist?'' Gojo said with a slight chuckle

''I have my own cursed technique, but I've never used it really...and I didn't think Jujutsu Sorcerers existed until now...I just kinda put the pieces together...'' You said calmly

''How did you even put the pieces together from this situation?'' Said the spiky haired one who was still sat on the floor

''Ya...I'm confused...someone tell me what's going on...'' Yuji sighed in defeat as he looked like a clueless puppy amongst you three. 

''I don't even know myself what is going on...you ate a cursed object called a Sukuna, and these two waltz here...you both are beaten up...'' You sighed

''I just came back to get my headphones...'' You frowned, feeling disappointed that you couldn't save them

''Wait...if you can use cursed technique, then why aren't you at a sorcery school?'' The spiky haired one asked

''Cuz I didn't think they existed until now...'' You answered

Just as you were trying to still make sense of the situation, you suddenly felt yourself being pulled back, your eyes widened slightly when you realized that Yuji had just tried to attack you.


💭 ''Itadori?!''

''Megumi, keep her away'' Gojo said calmly as he pushed you gently over to the one named Megumi

Yuji had now started fighting with Gojo, you and Megumi were watching in silence, he glanced over at you and noticed how unbothered you looked. 

''This isn't normal, why aren't you surprised?'' He asked

''I dunno...a lot of weird things have been happening in my life right now...from that pink haired brat wanting to become my friend to him swallowing a god damn cursed object...to two jujutsu sorcerers appearing at our school...my life hasn't always been normal...'' You mumbled quietly, Megumi couldn't help but frown slightly

''That cursed object he's eaten is dangerous.'' He said, you just stayed silent. 

You watched the fight infront of you and the moment Yuji passed out, you let out a sigh.

''If he wakes up and isn't possessed, then he might have the potential as a vessel'' Gojo said

''What do we do with him?'' Gojo asked as he looked over at Megumi

''Even if he has potential as a vessel, he must be executed under jujutsu regulation.'' Megumi said calmly, you looked at him

''But I don't want to let him die'' Megumi added further, your eyes widened slightly

''Is that a personal opinion?'' Gojo asked 

''Yes, it's a personal opinion, please do something about it'' Megumi said

''Heh heh heh. A precious student's request. Leave it to me'' Gojo gave him a thumbs up


''So what about her?'' Gojo asked as he looked at you now

''I personally do not want to get involved in this...but something is telling me I shouldn't leave him alone...'' You mumbled, even confused yourself as to why you were saying that

''Aw, looking out for your boyfriend?'' Gojo chuckled

''Tsk! He's just an acquaintance, Mask Guy'' You rolled your eyes, a chuckle escaped from his mouth

''So...Gojo what?'' You asked

''Gojo Satoru'' He smiled at you, you nodded

''And what about Sea Urchin?'' You asked as you looked at Megumi, Gojo snorted, whilst Megumi's eyebrows twitched

''Sea...Sea Urchin?'' His voice trailed off

''Ahh well...your hair...'' You pointed out, Megumi sighed

''I am not a sea urchin. Fushiguro Megumi'' He said calmly as he looked at you, you nodded

''Let's go'' Gojo said as he threw Yuji over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes

To be continued...

Next time on Scars Of The Soul,
Jujutsu High School

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