14. Odd time. Odd place.

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The ground became thick transparent water washing on their legs up to their knees.
The world became dark as stars formed above. Trees grew around and a giant moon was the only source of light. Like the sun rising from the horizon. The moon was at a setting position. Half of it was up as it reflected onto the clear waters.

"The stars look like angels." The witch said on her broom floating above her team.
"I can't move." The girl with the pistol gun said looking down at the water seeing her own reflection.

"Somethings wrapping around my legs!" The blue haired girl screamed out. "This is her domain expansion?" The guy with the cigarette said looking at the trees that were around.

Sukuna, Choso and you were the only ones on a dry piece of land with a tree shadowing over your bodies.

"Special technique.. "you said keeping your hands closed. "Angel star spear. 45 percent space."

The whiteness of the stars suddenly stretched down like spears hitting all sorcers that were out in the open waters. Choso watched in horror. It's like his blood spear technique. But yours was controlled.

"45 percent space?" Sukuna examined the domains attack. Similar to his Domain expansion he can always guarantee a hit to his opponent. With your domain expansion, you have control of the guarantee hits. If it's to wound, damage, severely damage, or kill the enemy.

He looked up to see how the cover from the tree prevents them from being harmed by the attack. There is a flaw, a weakness.

(Could this domain harm her as well? Or did she provide shelter because we are here? What would happen if she used 100 percent space. Could that mean the spears are not as spread out guaranteeing a full blown assault from multiple spears? They come from above. The stars are also reflected on the water. Can the spears also come from below?)

Sukuna was left analyzing the domain. The beauty, the precision, the details that you so carefully crafted.

(When Gojo asked her to use the domain expansion before, she refused to use it on me. Yet, she's using it on the sorcerers.)

Sukuna looked back down at you seeing how you kept your eyes closed as Choso attempted to lean down to help. A white spear shot up from beneath the ground, Chosos eyes widened as Sukuna pulled him back in time.

"Don't get near her. Seems like my theory was correct. This is a guarantee hit domain expansion. There's no escaping it. And no way getting near her. The spears come from above and below."

Sukuna raised his arm up as Choso realized what Sukuna held in his hand was a bubba drink.
Sukuna sipped the drink from the straw as he watched the show before him.

"Where did you get that? How did you get that? What the HELL IS THAT??" Choso looked around so confused.

"Stay where you are. She has us here in this spot for a reason. If we were to make one wrong move. Even if it means moving towards her. We will be impaled from below."

Choso swallowed the lump in his throat watching you sweat as you kept hold of your concentration.

Sukuna chewed on the bubba. As Choso looked around for a bit weird out by how Sukuna managed to get a drink within the Domain expansion.

"Y/n. The srocers have been wounded. You should have killed them. I'm disappointed in you.
Release the domain." Sukuna said glaring at you from the corner of his eye.

"Also, this isn't half that bad. You know when you are right, you are right.
On somethings.
Coffee, sweets, I've learned a lot of this era because of you. If this drink was awful I would kill them all." Be looked away continuing to sip from the straw as Choso watched him.

(What a sick bastard! How did Y/n even end up with him to begin with? Why did she run back to him?)

The domain finally broke as the sorcerers laid on the ground bleeding and severely wounded.
Sukuna turned his attention to you as he took long strides to get to you. Tossing his drink to the side he leaned down lifting you up into his arms. He held you close, as gentle as he could making sure you were comfortable with in his arms.

"Handle them." Sukuna looked at Choso ordering him as he disappeared with you. Choso looked at the wounded sorcerers.

"Don't tell me what to do you suck fuck."

They wounded you and were here to carry out the orders of killing his brother. Even though it's Sukuna, Choso couldn't let anyone harm his baby brothers body.


Sukuna sat on the chair waiting patiently hands closed in front of him. As you laid on the bed with a towel over your head. The kitten slept on your chest purring.

It stared at you before licking your nose.
Slowly you opened your eyes feeling and hearing it's purring against your chest.

"Y/n." Sukuna stood up kneeling beside your bedside.

"Hello little kitty." You said weakly with a smile to the kitten on you.
"Sukuna?" You rolled your eyes to see him. "Yes." He said with a charming smile. "I want some coffee. I'm also hungry." You said looking up at the ceiling.

Sukuna smiled widely. "You have been asleep for a week. I finally got the chance of having you all to myself."

He walked in with a tray of your coffee and some toast. "Thanks." You said sipping the coffee taking in a deep breath you stopped feeling the sharp pain on your side and left shoulder.

"I'll kill them all y/n." Sukuna stared outside the window sipping his coffee. You stayed quiet and petted the kitten.

"I want you to leave." You said keeping your eyes on the kitten. "What? I just got the kitten. Don't be so cruel y/n, it's not like you." Sukuna stated as he looked back at you.

" I don't want you. You are holding my friend Yuji hostage. I don't want you at all. I'm doing all of this because you have someone I care about being held as a hostage."

Sukuna rolled his eyes opening his mouth and closing it in disbelief. "You are still on about that. I see." He rested his cup of coffee down as he grabbed the kitten.
"Don't hurt him?" You shouted as he froze in place with the kitten before setting it down on the chair.

Sukuna crawled on top of you. "You think of me as a monster."

"I do! You are inconsiderate, impatient, morally unstable, irrational, sociopathic, psychopathic, manipulator, liar, cheater and-"

Sukuna kept his smile as he moved in devouring your lips. You moaned in protest as he held your hands to the side. His lips being gentle as he maneuvered them around with patience. His tongue played and danced with yours. His hot breath was inviting as his entire body settled in against yours.

You finally shut your eyes accepting him. It wasn't easy to deny. It wasn't easy to accept.

"I wouldn't want anyone else." He said parting away as he nuzzled his face between your shoulder and neck. He whispered words in your ear that made your eyes grow wide in fear.

You are all he wants as of now.

All he desires.

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