23. Monster in the basement

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"Y/n." Gojo waited for you near the McDonald's restaurant. He leaned up against the wall sucking on the soda straw.

He wore cologne one of his special ones for a special occasion. His hair was neatly combed and styled and the skin tight shirt with black jeans he wore was giving you a bad boy style feel.. "Ready?" He held up the bag of McDonald's he ordered.

His annoying smile. The bright energy that his smile held. Reaching to his black bandana to remove it his ocean blue eyes looked down into your eyes.

"I'm..." You stopped looking away.
"Don't be ashamed y/n."
"What do you expect me to say?"
"Just be yourself. Beauty" beauty is you. "And beast." Sukuna.
"Now it's time for Romeo and Juliet." Himself and you.

"Shut up! You suck at being Romeo!"

"You are right! Hold me y/n! Be my Romeo." He fell into your arms with his palm on his head. "Gojo. I'm not here to be playful. I want to know. I want to know the monster that killed my Coco Puff."

Gojo stopped smiling as he stood up sucking on the straw of his cup. "Why didn't you call me?" He asked while walking with you.
"You told me not to call you."
"Nooo. You called me and it was quiet. Don't ever call me if you are just going to be silent."

"Why did you send Mei Mei? Why didn't you show up? That's your problem Gojo! You expect everyone around you to just-"

"Y/n. What happened between me Geto-"

"He was my Brother Gojo! Geto was my brother! And you- You didn't even reach out to him! You didn't bother to help him! My brother changed before your eyes and you didn't do anything!"

"Y/n.. Geto made his decision. I didn't even know you existed. Geto cared for you."

"I'm a basterd child Geto was my step brother... Even though he was my step brother he was my brother."

"Is this what it is, y/n? Now I understand what's going on."

"Gojo. No matter what you do. I want you to know. I will always hate you for what you did. Your very existence."

Gojo leaned down lifting you up into his arms.
"Put me down!" You shouted as he transferred you and him into the Ferris wheel cart.

You looked outside the window getting a view of the city and the lights that illuminated below.
Gojo knew those words you spit out on him. Those are the words your clan spat at you. The words that were said to Geto.

"Y/n. Most of the sorcerers see you as an abomination. I don't."

His tone was firm his eyes were strong and focused on you as he sat you onto the seat in front of him. Closing his hands together he leaned in close to you.
"Geto, mentioned you before he passed away. Remember the day we met? You were locked behind a bamboo cage enclosed with cursed energy. In a basement full of monsters."

"I was the monster in the basement."

"I never saw you as one."


Gojo looked at the wooden door before turning the door knob. The light from the room shined down at the staircase. A room so dark that the light could only brighten the staircase that lead down to the basement.

Inside a small bamboo cage was you curled up. Bruised and scratched by cursed spirits that had attempted to break the cage. "Go away!" You shouted summoning a small white staff with a golden spear stabbing a cursed spirit.

It's mouth opened wide as it bit down onto the bamboo attempting to break it.

A bright blast made you freeze in place as you heard the sounds of bodies being beaten, bones being broken.

"Could have sworn I switched out the batteries." You heard someone say within the darkness.
You heard something slapping the palm of a hand as a bright light shined. "AAA!" You screamed horrified seeing Gojo's face with the flashlight shining his face from beneath his chin.

"Go Away!" You shouted holding onto the side of the bamboo. He pinched his chin examining you. "How old are you?" He asked as you were cautious.
"Go away pervert..." You mumbled.

"Hugh? Me?" His smile and expression as he pointed at himself was that of insult and confusion. "I'm a pervert?"

"Why would you ask someone for their age? Only perverts ask those questions."

"Want some candy?" He attempted to lighten up the mood and show he wasn't a threat. He reached in dropping candy in your lap.

You took the candy and examined it before throwing it back at him. "Pervert.." you said again.

Gojo's head slammed on the ground his fist hitting the ground. "I'm not a pervert.."
At that moment a cursed spirit appeared behind him. "You idiot old man!"

"An old man? A pervert and an old man.." Gojo mumbled.

You reached out as a white staff with a golden spear came out from the ground piercing the cursed spirit. The cursed spirit broke the staff as you summoned more but it kept coming.

Gojo was still wallering on the ground in tears.
You held your hands out and closed them in a clap. "Iron Maiden." You said summoning two sides of a metal coffin that opened from the sides of the cursed spirit with spikes inside. It closed onto the cursed spirit piercing it to death as the spikes grew once the Iron Maiden had closed. The coffin itself was a weeping angel with wings sprouted out.

You reached out and banged the side of your fist on the white haired man on the ground crying. Gojo looked up at you as he stood up.
"Right." He reached back as a purple light spun around his fingers directing behind his shoulder. Your eyes reflected the color purple that illuminated the room revealing the room to be full of cursed spirits and the ones he had killed.

Munching on French fries you were looking in the bag flipping it upside down. "They only packed three bags of ketchup! What the hell!?"

Gojo narrowed his eyes reached out. "Choose wisely y/n."

"Gojo." You examined his left and right closed fists. Your eyebrow twitching as you tried to pick the right one. Hovering your finger over the left and right hand. "How dare you. You are evil." You whispered as you chose the left fist.

"Tada! You get a French fry and I get the rest of the ketchup!" He laughed as you jumped on him. "Give me my ketchup you evil man!"

"Y/n! You chose and you got the French fry!"

"A half eaten one! Fine!" You got off him taking the rest of his food. "All the nuggies are mine."

"AAA! Won't that make your hips wide?"

"You calling me overweight! Look whose talking toothpick! Looking like daddy long legs."

"Aww you called me daddy. I knew you saw me as your father figure. My work is finally paying off." Gojo's eyes narrowed as you munched on the chicken nuggets. He never saw you to be a monster. Just a normal girl. A brat.

Seeing you. The day he met you. Even as now you reminded him of her. Riko..
The girl he failed to protect.
The girl Geto and him failed to protect.
His sense of duty towards you is far more than what you can comprehend.

"Tell me y/n. Do you hold any feelings towards him? Are you falling for Sukuna?"

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