15. Disturbia

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Sitting on a bench watching people go by across the street was boring. No matter what day or month it was. Nothing ever seemed right anymore. No friends. No lovers. No one.

Just the kitten you kept.

Sukuna watched you from afar. Waiting for his time.. patiently waiting.. As always.

What he was doing as of now was stalking.
The sweet little look on your face his eyes examined the little dress you chose to wear for today. How nice you attempted to look for this day. Waiting for your date that will never show up.

How he'd wish to have been spending his time with you as of now. To be the one who could have his sweet, adorable y/n waiting on him instead.

It was lonely where you were. All alone with no one. Not a friend or companion. When you looked at his direction you blinked a couple times in disbelief.

"Hmm?" You looked around again. You could have sworn you had seen him as clear as this day. But it mustn't be true. You sighed a bit leaning forward on your palms. Sukuna appeared behind you his hand reched out to softly touch your hair as he leaned in to smell it.

Completely unaware of his presence.

You did feel something or someone behind you. Looking back you saw no one there. Standing up you looked around bothered before walking away.

He watched.

He followed.

His eyes were always on you.

From the roofs he stood on. To the corners of the street. Even in crowded areas he was bold enough to get as close as he could.

Make you see him wherever you went.

To have that power of reminding you.

He's around.

He's in your mind.

Holding onto the handle of the train you read a book while standing. Sukuna slowly walked over inching himself closer and closer. His eyes were on you as you were deep in your book reading. Unaware of him being with you in the train of 20 people.

As you looked over to see him standing.
Your eyes widen.

The train went into a dark tunnel of no light. When it finally came out from the other side. He wasn't where you had first seen him.

Where you thought you had seen him.

You looked at the passengers for a bit. Looking and examining each and one of them closely.
Sukuna was right beside you.

His glaring down at you his arms reached out to close around you..

Gasping you looked to your other side but saw he wasn't there. No one was there. No one looked like they had noticed someone was beside you.

You gulped and shook for a bit rubbing your palm against your face.

Exiting the train you started running out of there. You fled inside the woman's bathroom as you locked the doors. Leaning up against the sink holding the edges you were breathing heavily.

Shaking in fear of what you had felt and thought to have seen.

"He wouldn't have been there. He wouldn't have been anywhere I'm going crazy. I know I am. I have to get a hold of myself. I'm paranoid."

Running the sink water you waited for a bit to fill up your palms before leaning down to splash your face with warm water. Fuck the cold.

Sukuna was behind you as he tilted his head to the side with a wide grind. You looked up at the mirror. It was chilling. This paranoia.

Drying your face you left the bathroom with that feeling.

Stepping out you looked around at the crowd of people so anxious. So nervous. So awkward. Felt like everyone's eyes were on you for some reason. It was a dread of weakness that swept off very you. Never have you felt this small.

Someone you thought to be so strong who promised to protect you keep you safe. Now you fear him ever finding him. Regret ever meeting him.

On your way to the new apartment you rented out. The kitten walked up rubbing himself up against your legs.

"High Coco Puff." You said leaning down to pick him up and give him big kisses as he meowed and licked your face. "I know, I know. I haven't had any luck finding a job yet. We are eating what we can."

Popping a can of Tuna you fed him all of it as you looked around for something for yourself.

"Or maybe just you eat." You said sighing.. exhausted you went into your bathroom. Feeling safe at last you turned the shower knob letting it run hot water.

Stripping your clothes you tossed them to the ground. Walking up to the mirror you washed your face for a bit before getting in to shower. As the steam build up in the bathroom Sukuna slowly made his way around the corner. His hand pushed the door slightly as he watched you from the reflection of the mirror.

The steam begin to take away his view as he leaned in a bit more he walked over and stood in front of the slightly opened door.

Whenever you looked back you didn't notice him. It was just dark outside the bathroom. The hall light was off. You sighed and continued to wash yourself off while listening to some music to calm yourself down.

Sukuna kept his eyes on you. The white foam of the body soap that covered your body was a tease for him. The smell of it, the sight of you. Whenever your closed your hands together to rub the suddes around made him want it more.
His lips parted in desire of what he was seeing. You kept looking out back to the shadow of the hall. He knew you couldn't see him well. With the steam of the shower and the curtains. It

Unhinged Sukuna X Reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin