25. llama de tigres

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-------4 days later

Sukuna walked casually whistling the kill bill tune. Shirtless he only wore a white robe skirt around his waist.

Gazing around to see the 13 foot wall with triangle roofing. Following it from the end till he stumbled upon the wooden door.

"Please don't ! Please! Please don't !"
The mother shouted as you held her sons neck out by the balcony.
That same boy you saved. The same mother you saved.
"Why did you do it? Why did you try to kill me? Why did you kill my kitten?"

The woman teared up grabbing a knife in hand. "I, I should have cut your head off."

"Yes, you should have." You point at your heart.
"You should have just come for me. You should have aimed for my heart. There are a lot of should of's and a lot of could of's. Should I toss the boy? How about I impale him and let him hang as you did with my kitten? Should I just drop him? Shoulds and could's."

"That thing killed my husband. You, you almost killed us."

"Almost. Almost? Odd word."
You looked at the boy who was kicking his legs and struggling to breath. His hands held your wrist. "Either you live. Or your son lives. Choose. I can at least allow that. You didn't give me that option."

The mother shook with the knife in her hand as she glared at you and then looked at her son concerned. Your golden eyes glew as you smiled widely. "There should be no reason to be hesitant. It's either you, or your son. What good are you for? Your house is trash, your life is trash, your mother love is trash, your hair is trash. Everything, is trash. This boy, trash.."

You reached out as a golden spear came out from the floor followed by a white staff.
"I'll be generous. I'll be so generous."

You threw the boy to the side as she charged forward, you raised your spear up.

(I'll never change my aim. All my troubles should have burned long ago. This is personal. I'm sorry Yuji, Maki, Gojo. All who believed in me. I've been dreaming this entire time.)

Hitting her chin till her bottom jaw snapped and her teeth broke. Shattering to pieces like glass.

"Oh my." You said watching her squirm on the ground. "Let me tell you a little secret. You couldn't steal enough or inflicted enough pain for me to ever feel it. But, what you took from me. What you took from me. Reminded me of something."

The boy ran up to you but you smacked the boy across the face. "It's forbidden. It shakes everyone to the core."

You straddled her body. "To ever think of someone to ever fall for a girl like me. Someone, your husband fell for a woman like you. Whatever our stories were it doesn't matter."

Your eyes narrowed staring down at her as she stabbed your rib.
You grabbed the knife pulling out the knife looking at the blood. There was no pain. No fear. There was guilt. The boy shivered in the corner as you looked at him from the corner of your eye.
There is always guilt.

The hate he must hold for you. The fear. That woman he saw at the park. You couldn't have been the same woman. The woman who was injured and attempting to save him and his mother. She was a bloody Angel.

The truth laid before him.

"I was to have a baby. I was to be a mother." You looked at the ceiling. "I was young. Naive. I lost my baby. People like me, we can't have children. It forbidden. I wonder if they would have been like your son. Or if they would have been a girl. Never did I imagine such pain. What pains do mother's go through to have a child. Everyone says it's a blessing. It was horrifying for me. There was no celebration. There was no joy. It was fear, shame, outcast. My savings and philosophy were all wasted in nothing."

You looked back down at the mother who was breathing heavily. "You, would have made a terrible mother."

"Maybe. Can't be wrong with something that never happened. I only tell you this because it's the only reason why I allowed you to make the choice."

"He will be without a mother."

"Any mother would be better than you. You and I have unfinished business."

The woman spat at your face. Wiping it away you held no emotional expression.

"I'll be quick."
She screamed as you sliced her eyes. Standing up you tossed her eyes to the side as the boy cried and crawled to his mother who squirmed and kicked in agony.

Pouring gasoline around the room you grabbed the boy tossing him to the side as you poured gasoline on the woman making sure it got into her mouth.

"I'll see you and many others in hell."
You lifted the boy up and ran out with him to the balcony of the window. Jumping out tossing a cocktail as the fire engulfed and expanded.

The boy screamed and shouted reaching out as you ran out with him. Dropping him onto the ground you watched the house go up into flames
It all lit up, the flames danced around reflecting off your eyes and the boys.

"When you get older. If you still feel that burn, know that I will wait for you." You dropped your white staff with a spear in front of him. He looked at it as it had a red ribbon.

"The day you see that ribbon disappear. Know that you were too late."

The boy slowly reached out to the white staff gripping it. Holding it close to his chest. As you leaned down to meet him eye to eye. "I'll be waiting. Grow up to be strong so that you can protect those you love. Never hesitate. Never say sorry. If you choose that path it will be lonely and it will be long. If you decide not to take that road, then live your life as you please."

You stood back up and walked away leaving him alone.

"Y/n!" Mei Meis axe collided with your staff.
"Girly!" You shouted with a smile.
Maki charged in with her playful cloud.
"Hi girls! My dear old friends! Is this a girl's night out?"

"What did you do?" Maki shouted as you smiled kicking Mei Mei off to block playful clouds attack.

Closing your hands with the spear it shrunk and disappeared into your palms. "Make me surrender."

You said smugly.

Sukuna casually strolled inside continuing to whistle looking at the rock garden. Men charged at him and were sliced in half. Lurring them in with his whistle.

Sukuna looked around unamused. Whistling a toon. With every man that heard the song would appear he would dissect. Dodge without hesitation. Spin around them making them chase him like a dog chasing its tail.

Opening every sliding door he saw. Sliding door. Another one. Another one. One had a woman and her husband. The husband grabbed his sword charging.

Sukuna rolled his eyes flicking his finger as blood squirted around the room. The woman screamrd grabbing her children. She grabbed her husband's sword to defend them.

"Y/n. Where is she. She's being held here." Sukuna asked in a smooth, clear, deadly tone.
"I-i don't know."

"Awww what a shame. That's not the answer I was expecting." The room grew dark as he closed the door behind him. Towering over her and the children.

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