28. Outrageous prices

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"What do you mean she jumped?" Sukuna held the doctor up by his throat against the wall. The nurses coward in fear as Choso stared at them and the security guards. When one security guard pulled his Taser out but Choso sliced it half.
"Is that blood?" The nurse asked.

"She jumped out the window! She said she wanted chicken nuggets and a 12 ounce steak and shotgunned herself out the window!" The doctor shouted out as Sukuna strangled him.

"She did a flip." The old man in a wheelchair said as Choso looked at the old man confused. "Who are you?"

"Your grandpa. Here's a Tampax. Use it before you start spreading something." He threw it at Choso who caught it in disgust. "Why you-"

"Shut the hell up. Uhh. Hmm.. mmmmmm." The old man looked up at the ceiling thinking long and hard. "You made me forget what I was going to tell you. What are you supposed to be? Gothic? Emo? What's with the make-up? Our here spraying blood, you better not have a bug."
The old man started bullying Choso who lifted a lip up annoyed. "Hey, strawberry shortcake!"
Sukuna glared at the old man dropping the doctor as he took long strides to the old man kneeling in front of him.

"What a face. That girl, mentioned someone with pink hair. That must be you." Sukuna cocked his to the side. Sukuna reached out to grab the old man's neck but the old man smacked Sukuna with a fan. " Don't touch me. Let me speak!"
Sukuna smirked standing up as he stepped away trying to control himself.

"You spoke with y/n?" Sukuna asked softly.
"Well, what did she say?" Choso intervened.
The old man stared at Sukuna for a long time though he was old with the same spunk as you he was afraid. After all you told him about Sukuna, the old man was willing to take his chance.
"She warned me about you. Know if you kill me after what I tell you, it won't matter. I'm ready."

Sukunas eye brow raised up. Same words you used to say. Sukuna flicked his finger decapitating the security guard, nurses and doctors. Leaning towards the old man Sukuna was intimidating the old man who just softly slapped his cheek. "Don't waist my time. If I didn't know any better I would say you would be her father."

"What if I am? I might be yours! I might be his!" He pointed at Choso. "I would have ended you." Choso debated.

"Youngsters these days. So quick to commit violence and crimes. Very well I can see why the girl ran away."
"Why did you have to burn the hospital?"
Choso carried the old man in his arms who had passed out.

Sukuna watched it burn.

"Whatever you and her are as chaotic as they come."

"Y/n, is not chaotic. She is not violent. She is not thirsty for blood or vengeance."

"You must be delusional." Choso mumbled looking at the old man in his arms.
"So what is she then? To you, that is."

Choso was curious to know why Sukuna goes to such lengths for you. Even to the point he sees no acts that you do to be evil or wrong.

"It's not of your concern."
"You can't think of it." Choso commented back.

"What makes you think the relationship you have with her will even work out?"

"There is no relationship." Sukuna commented.
"I'm sorry what?"
"There is no relationship. Y/n, is my woman. Not a concubine, not a slave, she is my woman."

"Wife? Girlfriend?"
"There is no pet name title for her. She is simply my woman."
"My woman sounds like something. Property?"
"No, property is something one Owens and can be replaced or bought. She is neither."
"Whatever." Choso walked away with the old man.

Bennie and the jets- Elton John

You rode a motorcycle you stole turning to a sharp corner until the knee brace almost touched the ground.

"Yeah, can I get aaaa. With AAA." You stood outside the drive through staring at the menu as cars honked. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" You summoned your spear and started beating the hood.
"She just summoned a spear out of nowhere! It came out of the ground!" The husband screamed at his wife as you broke their rear view mirrors and busted their headlights.

You stabbed their engine as they got out and ran. Other cars reversed back as you watched them squinting your eyes as they all drove off.

Looking through the car you took out the wallet with money.

Casually walking back spinning your spear you let it melt back to the ground.
"Anyways. Yeah, I'd like the full family menu. And my one dollar chicken burger."

"We no longer have the one dollar chicken burger."

"What? When the fuck did this happen?"

"Two years ago. Sorry, chicken burger is now $2.50 plus tax."

"Ohh shut the fuck up! How much is the 40 piece chicken nuggets?"

"It depends, combo or no combo?"

"You know what? I'm gonna do it. I'm going to become a Karen. I would like to speak to the manager."

"Our supervisor?"

"Ya! The supervisors supervisor!"

"Ma'am, there's no one dollar chicken burgers."

"Fucking give me the kids menu!"

"No problem. Toy or no toy?"

"Toy please..." You said softly and calmly.

"Do you still want the 40 piece chicken

"Yes, and I want three kinds of sodas. And a tea. And uhm.." you looked at the coffee menu.

"What's a Crappuccino?"
"It's a frappuccino it's ground up ice with coffee and your choice of topping."

"OO, thank you."

"No problem."

"K, I want a Crappuccino."

"Frappuccino added."

"You are the best fucking customer service. Oh! Can I get a big bag too? I'm taking it to go."

"Sure, that'll be $178 up front."


You walked away walked over to some vending machines and busted them taking the quarters and dollars. You walked over to some cars and broke into them as well. "Jeez, people don't leave much in their cars."

As you walked up to the window to pay you gave them the debt card from the people you stole as they swiped it and then took whatever quarters and cash you gave them. "Hey you seeing anyone?"
You asked the customer service person that took your order.
"You're not my type." They gave you the recipe and closed the window.

"Ouch.." you knocked on the window as they opened it. "What ?" They asked. "Uhm.. some of that is your tip.."
"Just to let you know we called the police."
"OO, thanks for the tip."

You calmly walked with the motorcycle to the other window to pick up your order. "Thanks." You said cheerfully.
"Just to let you know. We called the-"
"Oh yeah, I heard."
You smiled nodding your head as you got on the motorcycle.

"My pleasure bitches!" You drove off but slowly came back and knocked on the window.
"What now!" They asked. "I didn't get my ketchup.."
They closed the window and after a minute they opened it up and handed you the bag full of ketchup. "Thanks!"

You drove off again on the motorcycle.

Unhinged Sukuna X Reader Where stories live. Discover now