The Truth Comes Out

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**TW mentions of drug use and drugging itself. Oops. Also Leo shows his sentimental side here ❤️**

"I'm so sorry, Isabella. I didn't believe you. I can explain. Actually, my brother could probably explain better. Is it okay if he comes in? My whole family is waiting outside to make sure you're okay. They are driving the doctors a bit crazy, actually asking for updates." He explained apologetically, giving me a small smile.

"You're going to have to get used to their tactics now that you're part of our family." He said, squeezing my hand encouragingly.

"Umm..." I didn't have a chance to respond.

"She's awake!" He called, and before I could react, I had a room full of strangers, all looking at me like I was the prized possession of their family.

I tried to sit up, feeling immediately uncomfortable, but my right arm was broken and in a cast and still very painful.

"It's fine, relax girl. You did a good job. Most people who get in the Policinia's grasp don't dare nearly as well as you do." The large man that had orchestrated my saving said with a warm smile, sitting on a small hospital chair looking quite out of place.

There were also a few men and women who looked younger, maybe siblings and cousins? One thing they shared was an expensive taste in clothes. Even the older women that had crammed in towards the back of the room wore outfits that cost more than my family trailer, with pear earrings and a red silk dress.

"Alfred, want to explain what we were talking about while she was out?" Leo asked a skinny guy towards the front who looked quite ashamed and shirked from Leo's angry glare.

"You see...we went to that new club for my birthday...and...well, it was boring like SUPER BORING. So, I slipped Leo some morphine after we left. I think maybe it might've made his memory a bit fuzzy..."

"A BIT?" Leo asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, a bit...but I didn't know memory loss was a side effect! I guess the alcohol made it worse. But we went to busters after that, and OH MY GOD, you were so much more fun!" Alfred continued excitedly until his dad smacked him upside the head.

"Ow! Alright, alright...but yeah, I knew as soon as I saw you... I was like, HEY, that's that girl from the club! I saw you guys together flirting and getting frisky with it, you know?" He said, nodding to himself, clearly proud of himself for remembering me and not getting that my life had been absolutely hell for weeks because he drugged his brother up.

I couldn't even be mad, though; he had an earnestness to himself that many people couldn't manage if they tried.

"So you are Summer. I really did not remember you. I wasn't trying to abandon you. I still don't remember you, actually, but...please let me do the right thing and stand by our child." Leo said, practically begging me to forgive him.

"I was just kidnapped and attacked because of my association with you," I said, shaking my head.

"I know, but to be fair, I thought you were crazy. Now that we know you're really carrying my child, my father's guards will protect you. I won't let this happen again." He told me confidently. I did think he believed his own lie. His family looked at me expectantly, all hoping I would accept them.

All I had wanted my entire life was a family that wanted me. Life was cruel in the way it worked, but the chance to have an actual family had seemingly fallen directly into my lap, and instead of being excited, I was just terrified.

"I will treat you as one of my own. Your baby deserves to know their family. We might be flawed, but at the end of the day, family is everything to us." His dad added, sensing my apprehension.

Closer to the Whispersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें