The Setup

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Leo's POV:

I felt guilty for killing her mother. Did I feel remorse? Absolutely not. She was the devil and deserved to die a much more painful death than the simple drowning she got.

Izzy refused to look at me and avoided me the entirety of the next day, but it was a small price to pay to know that she was safe. The woman had tried to kill her, and yet she had tried to stop me from getting rid of her. She would need much thicker skin to make it as my wife.

"Why don't you just go talk to her?" McCaliber offered, watching me stare at her from a small tiki bar not far from the spot she was at with Jasmine. They had their feet in the sand and were talking happily together.

"She hates me right now. Nothing I say will make a difference. She sees everything in black and white. There's no grey in her mind." I said firmly, knowing there was no fighting the truth.

"So what, are you going to sit here drinking, obsessing over her?" He asked me with disbelief. I never obsessed over anyone.


That was all that I had planned, and I would've been successful in my mission if it hadn't been for my view to get interrupted by a tall brunette.

"Can you move...Talia?" I said, nearly dropping my rum and coke in shock. She was beautiful as always, and her appearance was meticulous and careful to fit the social expectations of someone born into high society. Her nails were painted in a soft cream to match her cream bath ring suit cover and cream Armani sunglasses.

Not a hair was out of place, even in the horrible humidity.

"Someone told me you were here. I didn't believe it at first because what are the chances, right? But here you are!" She exclaimed, happy to see me, and pulling up a straw chair fully blocking my view.

"I'm here supervising my students," I explained numbly, trying to shift my focus to her. She tossed her hair to the side and glanced over at the girls with a smile.

"You? Doing community service? I can't imagine it. You have a heart, after all." She said with a sweet laugh, waving the bartender over.

"Can I have a margarita on the rocks?" She asked him, only too delighted to take the drink. She had even more of an alcohol problem than I did, and that was hard to manage.

"Why are you here?"

"My father needed me to meet with the CEO of Chalupe Corp. since he as busy. I'm technically here on business, but I figured since I flew all the way here I might as well relax a bit!" She explained with her bubbly personality that I knew so well. There was no tension and worries if she liked me, she had never hid her feelings for me and had told me if I ever changed my mind she would take me back in an instant.

She was from a family very close to mine, and she would make the perfect wife for me.

Yet, all I could do was try to get a glimpse of Isabella.

"I heard about the FDA approval you got. Literally, no one thought you would manage it, really. You are a miracle worker. Junuva is flying off the shelves already. Most areas are pre-selling it before your facility can even make more." She said, twirling her girly drink while observing me sweetly.

"Right. What other option was there except success, though, when I'm involved?" I said truthfully. She laughed, her voice melodic.

"So, why don't you say we have a celebratory dinner?" I should've said no, but something about her always made it difficult to set boundaries.


"We can go back to my hotel room to eat, and I'll have them set up a service." She said, practically bouncing out of the seat. She grabbed my hand and dragged me off reluctantly.

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