Secret is Out

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Isabella POV:

I didn't believe that nothing happened between Leo and his ex for a second. He seemed to think I was naive, but even if he didn't have any bad intentions, his ex certainly did.

She was much taller than I was and was everything I was not. She was relaxed and stylish, her features perfect for a Vogue magazine cover. I couldn't compete with such a put-together woman, but for whatever reason, Leo seemed fond of me, so I wasn't about to back down.

"Hey, girlies. Have you seen Leo?" She asked, walking up to Stacy and me, sitting in the endless sand, enjoying the last day of the vacation before it was time to go back to the freezing boarding school and winter break.

"He left for a business call or something." I offered unhelpfully. She gave me a fake smile from under her giant straw umbrella.

"Right. Well, how long before he will be back? I made plans for us for lunch." She said brusquely, her eyes darting to me when I snickered.

"What's so funny?"

"It's just...I mean did you clear this with him? He was saying last night how he wouldn't date you again if you were the last women on earth." I said, bemused, embellishing slightly. Her snotty face contorted into a devilish sneer.

"Look, little girl. I don't know what crush you have on him, but he's mine." She snapped coldly.

"That's impossible, I'm dating him," Stacy said with a sarcastic laugh, her narcissism having no bounds.

"He wouldn't ever date a student. How old are you?" She asked Stacy with a smirk.

"17, but..."

"But nothing little girl. He wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole." She said truthfully, but cruelly. I didn't even like Stacy that much, but seeing her eyes well up with tears I knew I couldn't stay silent.

"That might be true, but perhaps you should be kinder to people. He probably would like you more if you were. No wonder he doesn't want to date you." I said, disgusted by her and wondering what on earth he saw in the manipulative woman.

She smacked me across the face the moment I looked away. Her straw hat flew off with the force, and Stacy immediately got up and shoved her down.

She screamed as if she was dying like a wounded cow, and at first, I was entirely confused, but then I noticed Leo walking up.

"Leo...OWWWW...this girl just shoved me for no reason! She was jealous when I asked where you arm hurts so bad, Leo!" She cried dramatically, holding her arm like it was broken, which I was sure it wasn't.

"Stacy! I know you're obsessed with me, but you CANNOT go around assaulting people." Leo yelled, helping his ex up tenderly and glaring at Stacy, who was huffing angrily.

"She started it! She hit Isabella! I don't even like offense, Isabella... but she shouldn't be hit." Stacy said defensively.

"You what? Why would you hit her?" Leo asked, kneeling down to look at my cheek, forgetting his ex in a second. I could feel the sting where her hand slapped me still, so I knew it had to be a huge welt.

He was instantly angry.

" see..."

"Get off this island." Leo growlers, standing up, restraining his anger slightly. She paled.

" can't be serious! She was being a rude bitch and deserved it." His ex yelled, unbelieving he would be angry at her.

"First, you lure me to your hotel room to video me without my permission to spread rumors about us being together, and then you hit the mother of my child? If I were you, I would run. Very fast. The only reason I haven't ruined your fake plastic face is because of your father. My patience will only last for so long."

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