Jealousy and Danger

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**Only warnings for this chapter is secrets and drama. Don't forget to like and comment**

I couldn't handle Leo's insanity, so I preferred to act like everything was fine. I was a master at ignoring the obvious, and this wasn't an exception. The competition was in full swing, and before I knew it, I was not only back in class but sitting, taking the test.

I had studied thoroughly for the test since I desperately wanted the five thousand from Stacy for the baby, but I didn't need to bother. I quickly clicked away at the questions on the Chromebook, zooming through the test. I had almost been hoping for an actual challenge. I knew this was only the first step, and I would have to compete live against everyone else if I made it through, but I had very little doubt that I would be in the top five students.

After submitting my test, I sighed, bored. I looked around at everyone else struggling to answer the first section of questions, except Stacy, who didn't care and was doing her makeup. The entire school was taking the test at the same time to eliminate the chances of cheating. If there was anything these kids were excellent at, cheating was it, and I had to admit it was a good call.

"Do I have to stay here, Ms. Robinson? I'm done, and I'm not feeling well. I was hoping to see the nurse." I said truthfully, the morning sickness in full effect.

"You're finished already? You sure you don't want to review your answers, dear?" The old woman asked kindly, looking at me worriedly over her spectacles.

"I'm good, actually," I said, packing my stuff up and taking the permission slip she passed me.

The halls were eerily empty, with everyone taking the test, and my footsteps echoed with every step, bouncing off the metal lockers.

"Ms. Antrewp?" I said, knocking on the nurse's door gently, then louder when she didn't hear me. She was elderly and struggled to hear almost everything at that age.

"Oh! Isabella, I've been expecting you." She said, surprised, eagerly waiving me into the petite nurse's office.

"I just need something for nausea," I told her, sitting down in the chair she used to asses the neverending stream of kids that came to see her.

"Right. How far along are you?" She asked me, shuffling through a drawer filled with hundreds of medicine bottles.


"Ms. Skinner already told me about the pregnancy, dear. There's no need to be shy. You are not the first girl to end up in the family way, nor the last," she said with a genuine smile. She finally found the bottle she was searching for and shook out a few small tablets with shakey hands.

"Put one of these under your tongue at least five minutes before eating. You are looking a bit thin. You should try to gain 25 to 30 pounds. What type of prenatal vitamin are you taking?" she asked me, writing something down in my file.

"Umm...nothing yet, I guess ." Her eyes shot up, horrified.

"You need to make sure you take them. Otherwise, your baby can end up with defects or worse." She said, rummaging in the drawer again, and she pulled out a bottle of vitamins and gave me the whole thing.

"I keep these on hand. Just let me know when you need more. I'll order more for you and Stacy." She said, nodding to herself, noting what she gave me, not realizing in her old age that she had given me such confidential information.


She was fascinated by Leo, so the baby was obviously his.

I nodded numbly, took the bottle, and left, feeling like a trance had overcome me.

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