Forgive Me, Father- Remus Lupin x Reader Smut (Priest Remus)

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 You sat in the confession booth on the other side of the divider from Father Lupin. "Forgive me Father for I have sinned," you started. Your hands were clammy and you played with them in your lap. Your heart was racing in your chest. "This is my first confession," you continued unsure of how this all worked. You were new to the church. You were new to church in general. You had gone a few times with your family as a child but you never were a church-going family. You had recently moved away for college and your roommate begged you to come to her church with her. That was when you first laid your eyes on Father Lupin. You couldn't shake him from your thoughts. You spent the past nights touching yourself to the thought of all the things you wished he would do to you. You knew you needed a chance to get alone with him just to get it out of your system. All you wanted was to talk and now you found yourself in a confession booth for the first time in your life.
"Welcome, you may start identifying yourself if you please and then by confessing your sins and we will take it from there," Father Lupin guided. His voice made your stomach do flips.

"Well..." you took a shaky breath. Why did this all make you so nervous? You did not actually care about 'sinning'. "My name is Y/n and I am new to this church, I came last Sunday with my roommate Sara, she comes here a lot and I have been having some sinful thoughts."

"Oh right, Sara, she comes here a lot, I think I saw you sitting with her in the front pew at my sermon. As for your sin, that happens to people from time to time, after your confessions I will assign you a penance."

"But that is not all Father-" you quickly cut him off. "I also touched myself to these thoughts, to this man," you said shakily. Father Lupin was quiet for a moment and you heard him take in a deep breath.

"How?" He finally spoke, his voice strong and unwavering. You did not know if you were supposed to describe it for him because that is the protocol or if your words got under his skin.

"Well, Father, when I think about this man I get an aching between my thighs, and I try to ignore it, I really do but I just can't help myself. So when I am in my bed or the shower I have no choice but to pleasure myself to the thought of him," you felt the familiar slickness grow between your thighs. You leaned back in your seat and snaked your hand under your skirt and began to draw slow circles on your throbbing clit, pressing down with enough pressure to make your knees weak.

"How do you pleasure yourself?" He repeated through gritted teeth.

"Well I usually start by rubbing my aching clit," you rubbed your clit as you talked him through it and let out a breathy moan. Father Lupin's breathing was getting heavier on the other side of the divider. He was growing in his pants. He remembered you, he put a face and body to the words and actions from the other side of the divider and it was killing him. He needed to know more, he wanted to picture you pleasuring yourself. "And sometimes I can cum just from that but other times I do so much more," you slipped your hand inside your panties and ran your middle and ring fingers down your slit and rested them at your entrance. "Sometimes, I slip a couple of fingers in and imagine his cock filling me up," your breath hitches and you let out soft moans as you slip your fingers in and pumped them in and out slowly, not holding back your whines and whimpers. Father Lupin was unbearably hard. He placed his hand on his erection over his trousers and began to palm himself. He let out a deep, low groan. The pleasure he felt just from simply palming himself to the thought of you was amplified from all his years of sexual starvation. The noise that slipped his throat was animalistic. He couldn't stop now. Not once in all of the years he worked for the church had he ever been tempted to do something like this but it was something about you, your voice, your body. You continued to pump your fingers in and out of yourself, moaning shamelessly. Father Lupin couldn't control himself. He began to undo his belt and zipper and quickly pulled himself out of his boxers. His tip was red and swollen, dripping in precum and begging to be touched. Father Lupin grabbed his cock firmly and began to stroke himself for the first time ever to the sound of you pleasuring yourself.

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