Teacher's Pet- Professor Tom Riddle x Reader Smut

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"You are telling me that not a single one of you knows the answer to the question on the board?!" your professor shouts turning to face the class, his grip on the chalk in his hand was so tight it should've snapped it. Every single one of your classmates bowed their heads. You knew the answer to the question but everyone had been talking about how you are the teacher's pet so you did not want to raise your hand. Professor Riddle was always quite harsh with how he handled his students and unforgiving but for some reason, there was something about you that softened him up. He had never raised his voice toward you and when he gave the class detention he never wrote you up. You'd be lying if you said you haven't grown to fancy him. He was so devilishly handsome, the way his eyebrows furrowed when he was focused, a body so toned you could tell even under his suit, he was always dressed so properly, and his hands, oh my god his hands , his fingers were so long and slender and pale and his veins stuck out. He wore silver rings that would've been gaudy on any other man but not on him, he looked so sophisticated. You couldn't take your eyes off of him, but you should have, you should have bowed your head like every other one of your classmates, it probably could have prevented him calling on you.

"Miss. Y/l/n?" Professor Riddle's voice echoed throughout the classroom. "You surely know the answer don't you?" he asks, walking over to your desk. Your stomach did flips whenever he said your name. Your brain felt fuzzy as he approached you, and you caught yourself practically drooling over him.

"Ye-" you stop yourself, "N-No Sir," you stutter, letting your eyes linger a bit too long

before dropping your eyesight to your textbook in front of you.

"No?" he cocks an eyebrow whilst staring you down causing goosebumps to erupt all over your skin. All you could do was shake your head no, keeping your eyes glued to your textbook, and try your best to distract yourself from the growing wetness between your legs. He looked back up at the class but a small smirk was playing on the corner of his lips, "You are all excused early, do not forget your essays are due at the end of the week, mediocrity will not be tolerated, meet the guidelines or fail, it is up to you," he said roughly to the class. Everyone nodded and you all began to gather your things. As you went to close your textbook Professor Riddle slammed his hand down forcing it open, "Not you, Y/n. I'd like to have a little chat with you after everyone leaves," he said lowly. There was a devilish glimmer in his eye, that made your heart skip a beat.

"Y-Yes Sir," you nodded keeping your textbook open and squeezing your thighs together to help appease the throbbing need between your legs. The class quickly emptied and your professor looked down on you. "Why didn't you answer the question?" he asked firmly.

"I am so sorry Sir," you said shakily, "I will do better next time, I promise," you looked up at him, your eyes were a bit watery from your nerves.

"You and I both know you knew the answer, you are at the top of your class and it was a simple question, the issue is you are surrounded by idiots. There is no need for you to lower yourself to their level."

"No Sir," you sigh because he does not understand, "They all say things about me, that I am a teacher's pet, a suck-up," you mumble, "I just did not want to make it worse, so I lied," you nervously played with your hands. Much to your surprise, he let out a low chuckle, shifting your attention to look up at him. He had a small grin on his face, god he was so sexy.

"They say those things because they are jealous that you are so incredibly brilliant," he said genuinely. The heat between your legs grew to be almost unbearable and

your cheeks flushed.

"Professor-" you start but he cuts you off.

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