Free Day! (1)

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As we sat and ate breakfast I tried not to pay too much attention to the pain in my lower back. Let's just say I can't wait for the honeymoon.

As we ate and chatted a bit I felt a pair of eyes looking at me, I looked up to see Wenceslaus staring at my neck with wide eyes.

I stared at him with a questioning gaze before I remembered what resided on my neck.

Wenceslaus opened and closed his mouth a few times with wide eyes until it seemed he had found the words he was looking for.

"Are you ok? Did something attack you? Should I tell the guards?" He asked in a hurried and nervous sounding voice.

Amir looked up then looked at my neck and he seemed to choke on his food, seemingly to have also forgotten about the damage he did.

I looked at my son and my mouth moved a bit as I tried to find an excuse. "Well when you went to sleep someone had brought some food that I was allergic to.", I said and I saw Amir loosen up at my quick save.

Wenceslaus seemed to accept that answer until he asked another question, "why does it look like someone bit you?" he asked, staring at me in confusion.

I slowly turned my head to Amir giving him an accusatory look as he avoided making eye contact with me like the plague.

Then I turned back to Wence and chuckled "Um someone did not bite me, it was um a doctor's new treatment to help my allergy. And he had to um, open my skin to put the medicine in." I said hoping he would accept the very terrible excuse.

He stared in shock and concern, "Did it hurt?" He asked, and I nodded and said it hurt a little but not that much, then I swiftly changed the topic and Wenceslaus was instantly engulfed in talking about the animals he met in the stables the other day.

Me and Amir both shared a breath of relief as we were thankfully let off the hook, I silently thanked the gods for letting us get away with our devious deed.

As we finished we decided to move to the family room so we could get more comfortable, and as I walked I tried not to make my interesting new walking style noticeable. As embarrassed as I am to admit it, I had 'The Limp'.

As we walked I tried not to make a face or noise at the pain in my back and ass, and tried to control my warry legs. As we passed lord chamberlain I noticed he was holding in some sort of laugh as we walked by, and I tried my best to not make eye contact.

As we sat in the room I was silently reading a book with a soft smile on my face while I listened to Amir try to argue Wenceslaus and try to figure out how he was losing chess to a 6 year old, but just me glancing up for two seconds I saw Wence shove a piece in his mouth when Amir looked off to the side for a second.

I chuckled and held my fingers to my lips as Wence looked at me.

I was so happy that Amir and Amir were allowed a free day since our wedding AND coronation was yesterday. I was glad we got to spend time with our son, pets, and with each other.

At around lunch we decided we wanted to have a picnic, so I made a few snacks, and Amir packed a basket and we were off.

Fitzroy, Spike, and Porridge were playing around behind us and Wenceslaus was running ahead looking under logs and in bushes as we walked in the forest.

We settled at a lake and decided to eat here, as we were eating and I looked more around at the lake and its surroundings I realized It was the lake where me and Amir hung out during the hollow.

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