Wence's birthday 2!

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I had dressed Elyina up and dressed myself up, while I was waiting for Wenceslaus and Amir to get back I decided I wanted to play with my daughter.

She was a couple of months old now and me and Amir have been trying to get her to walk.

That sounds easy except for the fact that she's spoiled and she refuses to walk, she only wants to be carried.

She can crawl fine, from what I read she should be at the walking stage since she pulls her self up on furniture.

But every time i hold her hands and try getting her to walk she lets herself go limp and makes me drag her refusing to get on her feet.

She even can stand by herself! Stubborn baby.

I was sitting on the floor trying to get her to walk but she just stood there staring at me.

"Come here you can do it!" I tried to persuade her to walk to me but she refused, she just reached her arms out.

"No you have to come here." I stated to her hoping she would get it. It seems she did because she stuck her lip out and pouted not moving closer.

I sighed and huffed as I stared at the girl, if she wasn't giving up neither was I! "I'm going to get you to walk." I grumbled and picked her up when I heard the ballroom door open.

As Wenceslaus walked in everyone in the room collectively yelled "SURPRISE!", making him jump and his little eyes darted everywhere.

I walked up to him and petted his head and he looked up and smiled at me "FOR ME?!" I nodded my head and pushed him in and he ran around looking at everything.

Then he seemed to remember he didn't greet anyone and walked around saying hi to everyone.

Then a few more people joined, it was his friends from school, their parents and siblings.

It was now time for cake, personally my favorite part. As we gathered around the table Amir pulled the chair out for Wenceslaus and I lit the candles for him.

We sang a song for him and he took a big and dramatic breath in to blow the candles out.

He blew them out we clapped, Atossa walked over with her gift for Wenceslaus I glanced nervously and Amir because the gift was suspiciously sword shaped.

He looked at me and smiled nervously. As Wenceslaus ripped the paper he unveiled a sword that was small enough for him to use and I was engraved with many intricate designs on the hilt, it was trimmed with gold on the edges of the hilt.

"Woah this is sooo cool!" Wenceslaus wowed and his friends leaned on the table and looked at the sword.

Wenceslaus was smiling showing all his teeth and thanked his grandma.

I smiled seeing how happy my son was, I guess he could sipping it around a bit but only outside I don't want anyone getting hurt.

"Can I cut the cake with my sword!?" Wenceslaus turned to me and Amir asking, I was going to say no but it was his birthday and he gave these begging Baby eyes.

"Ummm..." I looked at my husband silently telling him to answer because he was the weapons guy.

"Do you really want your new sword to get cake on it? Imagine how hard it would be to clean it all off." Amir told Wenceslaus and he seemed to think about it. "You're right, now can we have cake I'm in despate need of it." He said putting his sword in into hilt and next to his chair.

"Desperate." Amir corrected as he cut slices of cake serving it to everyone who wanted it. " that's what I said." Wenceslaus said in a matter of fact tone.

A few hours went by and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, Wenceslaus said he wanted to open the rest of his gifts when everyone was gone so his friend's younger sibling don't play with them.

I chuckled and said ok and I gathered his gifts and walked to my family's living floor. I set them in the resting area by the sofa and as I turned around I ran right into Amir.

I gasped and sighed when I saw him, "why are you so quiet. You almost made my soul fly away!" I said smiling at him.

"Sorry I didn't mean to I came up because I'm looking for porridge's chew toy. He's getting a bit snappy and I don't want him to bite anyone." Amir said going over to pet's toy basket and grabbed one.

I waited for him so we could walk out and as he got closer he kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked down the stairs. "I saw you trying to get Ely to walk." Amir chuckled when I sighed.

"That girl is so stubborn, you know she reminded me of you. Especially when she pouted." I teased and Amir nudged me. "I do not pout!" He exclaimed as he pinched my waist.

"Yeah you do, like the other day when I was made at you and refused to pay attention to you. You were pouting all day, just like your bratty little daughter" I chuckled as we walked back into the ballroom.

"My daughter is not a brat, she's just a little spoiled." Amir smiled as he gave porridge his chew toy, he was hiding under a table and the kids were looking for him.

Then he went over to my mom who was holding Elyina and grabbed her from her. "Does this little baby look spoiled to you?" Amir asked holding her up to me and I stared at both of them back and forth.

"Yes she does" I smiled and took my child from him hugging her and kissing her, she whined.

"How dare you!" Amir exclaimed and kissed Elyina's head. "Boo hoo." I said and I sat down next to my mom. Amir sat next to me and rubbed my thigh softly.

"Love you." I smiled kissing Amir's cheek, "love you more" he smiled. "That's not possible." And smirked and he chuckled and we watched the kids play and we talked a bit with the parents and our friends.

By the time everyone left, me and Amir were both carding kids to bed. As even though Wenceslaus intended on opening his gifts after the party he fell asleep under him and his friend's little tent they made under a table.

I put Elyina down in her crib and smiled as I looked down on her, so cute! I walked into Wenceslaus' room and I saw Amir rubbing his back and he was asleep. I leaned against the doorway and smiled at the sight.

As me and Amir walked out the room and into our own. After we washed up and were in bed I turned to him. "You're a great dad." I smiled and rested my hand in his cheek rubbing my thumb on his cheek.

He smiled and kissed me gently, "you too".

Sorry it took a while to post this I was reading a new book, but the ship was a three way and was this 🤏🏽 close to incest. And that's gross so I dropped it.
Question even though I don't do it often do you guys want a smut chapter? Or are we good at this speed?
But I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter have a good one!

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